You Want to go to School? Willingly? A Strange Request for Sure.

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A/N: And I'm back. Welcome back to this month's chapter. Today we can finally give Y/N pay off to his side plot of trying to get a job. Along with this, Kanna's getting to do something more than sit in a house all day. A payoff chapter with no real payoff but enjoyment.

Kobayashi and Y/N are already awake. 

Y/N: "It seems they've accepted my application."

Kobayashi: "Amazing! I knew you could do it! Where is it?"

Y/N: "Closer to the city for sure. I wouldn't say it's much of an inconvenience."

Kobayashi: "Are you going to take a lift?"

Y/N: "No, I was thinking of using other methods."

Kobayashi: "You know you can't actually teleport, right?"

Y/N: "If Goku can do it, then so can I!"

Kobayashi: "Geez, you have to give it up at some point, Dummy-kun."

Dummy-kun: "I at least want to be able to fly."

Tohru: "That's what you have me for."

Kobayashi: "Why are they starting so late anyway?"

Y/N: "They have an adjusted schedule. They underwent some construction, plus getting a few new hires. Apparently, I'm one of two new teachers."

Kobayashi: "Oh. Hmm. Any idea of what your schedule will look like?"

Y/N: "Probably six to seventeen? Eighteen at the latest. We haven't finished discussing my full hours yet."

Kobayashi: "Ah, I see."

She looks over to see Kanna looking out onto the street below. 

Y/N: Is she noticing it too? She's been looking at other children a lot lately. "Should we..."

Kobayashi: *She nods* "Do you think she'd want to go?"

Tohru: "Who, Kanna? I think so. Every dragon's had that thought at one point. How young, how young."

Kobayashi: "Huh?"

Y/N: "You're too excited. What is it that we're missing?!"

Tohru: "A journey to eliminate humanity, right?"

Kobayashi: "No, we're talking about school. You're not even remotely trying to keep up with the conversation."

Tohru: "Oh, school. I see that come up on the internet often."

Y/N: "Probably because I've been looking for a job in the teaching industry." 

Kobayashi: "So you've gotten used to it by now, huh?"

Tohru: "I've gotten down enough."

Kobayashi: "Do you want to ask her?"

Y/N: "Guess so."

He gets up from his chair and walks to Kanna.

Y/N: "Hey kiddo, I got something I wanna talk to you about."

Kanna stops watching what's going down below them and turns to Y/N.

Y/N: Hopefully, she doesn't want to take over the world today. "Can you come down for a second?'

Kanna: "What is it, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Do you want to go to school? I know it's a strange question, but it's something we've been discussing. Considering you're here now, it may be a good idea. It'll help you get to know the culture here."

Kanna: "I want to go."

Y/N: Wow. That was more straightforward than I thought it would be. "Alright then. We'll have to go school shopping today then."

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now