Alright, Pack Your Junk up. We're Movin' on outta Here.

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A/N: Hello, a monthly chapter here. Back at it again, but this time with relationship growth. That's right. You will actually get something in this chapter. What that something is... Hmmm. I'll let you find out. Even then, this chapter is still important. It's build-up. Building up to the reveal and introduction of the tritagonist, Lucoa. So let's get this done one step at a time.

Nighttime? Nothing special, that's for sure. I wonder why Kobayashi is waking up at this hour.

Kobayashi: Bathroom... I'm sure I won't wake up Y/N.

Y/N: I sleep.

Kobayashi is careful not wake to him up with excessive movements. When stepping down from the bed, she ends up stepping on Tohru's tale.

Kobayashi: Woah. I guess not now.

Tohru: "Do you need to go?"

Kobayashi: "Yes."

She's teleported outside the room. Then uses the restroom, and with the help of Tohru, goes back to sleep with no further problems. Though one thing was becoming apparent, the apartment was becoming cramped.

Y/N: "Morning."

Kobayashi: "Morning. Y/N-kun, I wanted to bring something up."

Y/N: "Alright, whatcha need?"

Kobayashi: "Do you think it's becoming a bit... smushed in here?"

Y/N: "Hmmm. I don't really see it."

Kobayashi: 'Didn't you live in a literal closet in high school?"

Y/N: "My Uncle was having a hard time, and there's no need to bring that up." Did she forget?

They sit there in uncomfortable silence.

Kobayashi: "I'm sorry, I forgot that was a touchy subject."

Y/N: "It's fine. It's been a few years, and I should probably move on from that. After all, I wasn't having to go through what my Uncle was."

Kobayashi: "Did your call go through last week?"

Y/N: "It did, and he sounds like he got over his cold." Hopefully, this can just disappear on its own. Uncle's had a tough couple of years.

They get dressed and leave their room. But she was hit in the face by accident when Kanna opens a door.

Kanna: "Sorry, Kobayashi."

Kobayashi: Ah yes, head pain times two. "Oh, no, it's alright."

Y/N: "Ice?"

Kobayashi: "I'm not that old, right?"

Y/N: "Not yet."

Kobayashi: "I hate the fact that's technically correct."

Y/N: "Nothing for us to worry about for a long time. In fact, I don't intend on being old for as long as I live."

Tohru: "You intend to die young?"

Y/N: "Yup."

Tohru: "I won't allow you to!"

Y/N: "It'll take one hundred years before someone ever gets the drop on me, and I'll still be as youthful as ever."

Tohru: "So humans here age differently?"

Y/N: "N-No. It's a joke..."

Tohru: "Oh. Sorry."

Y/N: *He opens the door and jumps off the balcony*

Kobayashi: "Y/N-kun?!"

Y/N: *He puts a hand on her shoulder* "Afterimage."

Kobayashi: *She blushes and hits him on the head* "Baka! You had me worried there!"

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora