I've gotten Work! I'm back to Teaching as a Kindergarten Teacher!

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A/n: Welcome! Y/N finally gets a job and his own standalone chapter with lore! After a while of unemployment, he's got work! We've been building up to this concept for a while, but now we can deliver on it! Get ready because the base of this chapter sets up what he will be doing in the background of each day.

Y/N: "Alright, here we go."

Kobayashi: "You look great, Y/N-kun."

Tohru: "Are you excited?"

Y/N: "Very much so."

Kanna: "Y/N, where are you going?"

Y/N: "To work."

Kanna: "Noo!"

Y/N: "Hm? What?"

Kanna: "Noo!"

Y/N: "What?"

Kanna: "My plan."

Y/N: "What plan?"

Kanna: "My grand master plan."

Y/N: I'll play along. "You better tell me what it is now."

Kanna: "Noo! It's fine. It's fine. Alright, fine, you can go to work."

Y/N: "No, spill the beans."

Kanna: "No!"

Y/N: "What master plan?"

Kanna: "No."

Y/N: "Come on, what do you have planned?"

Kanna: "No, it's just. I just was hoping that we could play until I have to go to school. At least until I have to go."

Y/N: "Sorry, kiddo, but I have to work."

Kanna: "Why?"

Y/N: "So we can continue to have a home."

Kanna: "But this is an apartment."

Y/N: "Do you like it?"

Kanna: "Yes."

Y/N: "Then I should go to work so we won't be evicted."

Kanna: "Fine. But you better be back by the time I'm home."

Y/N: "I'll see what I can do."

Lucoa: "You lot sure seem lively in the morning."

Y/N: "This is usually how things are. Right then, see you later?"

Kobayashi: "Goodbye."

Kanna: "Bye bye!"

Tohru: "Come home safely!"

Y/N: "I will, I promise."

He pecks Kobayashi on the cheek before leaving for work. Along the way, he sees a person speedily riding his bike.

Y/N: "What's the rush?"

Man: "I'm going to be late for work!"

Y/N: "Where do you work?"

Man: "Do you know the kindergarten nearby?"

Y/N: "Oh. What a coincidence, I'm going there as well."

Man: "On foot?"

Y/N: "I used to run track and cross-country."

Man: "Woah! Sugoi! Are you also a new hire?"

Y/N: "Yup. There's no rush. As long as we manage our time wisely."

Man: "I see."

He slows down as he and Y/N go to work together.

Man: "That's farther away than where I live."

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now