Cheese Doritos

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As every other day in my peaceful, non disoriented, completely comprehensible life, I lied down in my bed, the sheets over my head, watching the latest Taylor swift mashup videos on my laptop. Ju had gone over to her bedroom in the morning, and never showed up since, because apparently our father now knew of the infamous trick we used last time to get out of grounding, and we weren't allowed to talk to each other for a week either. I didn't like how that was holding up, because we had to go to the Grateve today to meet Deviece and there was no way we could do it, without getting in trouble. I closed the laptop, humming the tune to 'I did something bad'. I covered my face in my hands, staring at the ceiling, as human consciousness prescribes, that is how we deal with a lost state of mind. I thought of all the people who could help me and with a jerk, I got up and grabbed the phone from the bedside table. I dialed in the numbers and the phone rang until he picked it up and answered.

"Hey Ish! How are you? I'm sorry about your mom". I shuddered, a coursing memory pulsing its way through my head. I heaved a breath.

"It's fine Kade, thank you. How's work as a secretary for you?"

"The governments shitty and yet the people are good people, it's honestly impossible but we're pulling through"

"That's good to hear Kade"

"Yeah. So, what's the actual reason you called? You almost never care about anyone but yourself"

"Very funny Kade, that's not true, I just prefer solitude. But yes, I need a favour"

"Go on"

"I'm grounded and I need my father to go out somewhere so I can leave the house without him knowing" I said.

"That's asking for a lot Ischel, and I'm a busy man, not to mention the fact that you're not going to tell me where you're going, it could be dangerous"

"Please Kade, Listen to this, I need to go out. Me. I just need you to trust me on this one. I'll be fine, please please please do something" I begged.

"Ironically, you're asking to go out this time, and I'm telling you to stay inside. You better not do something to yourself Ish, I could never live with myself. I'll take care of your father. Be safe, and have fun whatever it is that you're doing" he said.

"Kade...I love you so much. Thank you thank you thank you!" I said.

"Don't, your dad and I used to do it all the time when we were young. Bye Ish" he said, laughing and hung up. I smiled. Any minute now, we'll be free. I counted the time down on my watch, from one minute. I waited, 3...2...1... A knock came down my door.

"Yeah dad?" I asked. The knob turned and my father looked up at me, his eyes stern and suspicious.


"Kade called me out immediately, he said it was an emergency. I won't be home for long, and I trust that you'll stay inside this room. Not that you've ever wanted to leave it in the first place, but don't encourage your sisters ideas, and please remember that if I find out you've gone outside, I'll make sure you're having it hard for this month" he said. I nodded, keeping my lips pursed. He sighed, and closed the door on his way out. I rushed to the window, and saw my father get into the car and drive past our house. I immediately rushed to the door and turned the knob, but it wouldn't open. A text popped up on my phone screen.

"There are snacks under your bed if you're hungry, and a water bottle in case you're thirsty. You didn't think I was dumb did you? I'm the greatest explorer of this country for a reason, Ish". I smirked. Smart move, but my dear father doesn't know that I can pick locks does he? Boredom serves its purpose for knowledge thirst in so many ways. I removed the two bobby pins from my hair and bent them open with my hands, I bent one halfway to make a 90 degree, and wrung the other one out fully, except the top end which had a slight bent. I inserted the 90 degree pin into the bottom of the lock and the other pin into the top, lifting each lock pin from its hole while maintaining the tension in the other pin, until I reached the seize pin, it was particularly hard to lift but with some more time it came loose, and the lock snapped open as I tuned the knob. My face flushed with satisfaction, I went to Ju's door to do the same. As I turned the knob of her door, her eyes widened.

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