[9] An Ally.

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Heat pierced my eyes, as I woke up into the blinding light from the opposite window. Aaron was missing from his bed. His sheets were thrown around. The wall was decorated on his side, with his family photos and posters of the 'Fall Out Boys' and 'Imagine Dragons'. Music lover, cool. Below the family photos, placed separately is a photograph of a young girl who looked a lot like him. But the glass in the frame was cracked and broken. Maybe, a fight. It wasn't any of my business. I got up leaving my covers messed up as always and walked straight into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I went to the main room. A small ebony wood dining table for two was put down in the corner. I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Someone's up and early" I remarked.

Aaron poked his head out from inside the kitchen, wearing a black sweatshirt and white sweatpants. He had earphones hanging around his neck.

"Oh. . .yeah. I hit the gym in the mornings and sometimes I just jog on the streets. Is eggs and bacon okay for breakfast? I cook too" he said emerging fully from behind the wall with a pan in his tanned hands.

"I can tell from your biceps. Also...you are amazing. Eggs and bacon is a wonderful breakfast" I said.

"I know right? I'm a super cool roommate" he smiled and then brought two plates and placed them down on the table. The smell made me light headed.

"I am ravenous. How much time do we have? Oh and I don't work out like at all. I hate exercise. I'm a lazy lama" I quote, dumping the food into my stomach.

"It's 7:30 now. So, another hour atleast, for school. It's getting late common. Do you have your things packed? And uh wait for me cause then we can walk together...and...I smell like sweat. Ew...I need a shower" he said and practically rushed into the bathroom.

"Wait for me!" he yelled just as he closed the door. I laughed. After his shower we took our bags, locked the room and went out just at the same time that Charlie came out.

"Don't look and keep moving Peter" said Aaron and shoved me into walking faster. We took a twisted route to school. It was a 10 mins walk. I took out my phone and texted Julie.

"Hey, Gm, Reached School? Are you safe?".

She texted back after like 5 mins, "Yeah. I'm at school. Dw. We need to talk. At lunch. Meet me at the Cafeteria. It's on the ground floor".

Aaron and I had about another 30 mins to go so he walked me around the school just like he promised. He showed me the gym that he went to. All our school students had access to it. He showed me all the sports epicentres. Basketball. Ice hockey. Football. Then, he showed me the school library which was huge. Lastly, we went to the Cafeteria and then he bid his goodbye.

I had six periods. Maths. English. Physics. Chemistry. Biology and then second language, French. The subjects stayed the same except for second language which becomes my dreaded PE on Fridays. and then Wednesdays. Today, was a Thursday. The only thing about me that's always organised is my study schedule and my clothes drawer. A day at school without my watch or my pencil case timetable is a mess. Luckily I didn't forget them today. So I'm all ordered. I went to the same music class as Aaron, on Saturday so, I was looking forward to that.

My first class was Biology. Ahh my favourite. I loved how amazingly this day was going. I placed all my stuff in my locker and walked towards my homeroom. I found a seat at the back and sat there. People say that bright students always take the first bench but they're wrong. I take the last bench all the time. It was a corner seat. And I had the comfort of a wall next to me. Perfect. The bell rang and in about 5 mins the teacher entered the class. She was short. She wore a blue dress with flowers on it along the lentgh of the dress on one side. She was slightly tanned and looked Asian.

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