[2] An ocean wave and a waterproof notebook

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Mr Fenderick's eyes seemed to be saying "look thither". I glanced up, towards where he was signalling. A mile high wave was speeding towards us.

"Yep, we definitely have to get away from that as fast as possible" I said.

Mr Fendrick turned the key and pulled on the gearshift. The engine roared, then whistled, making clicking noises in between and then popped.

"No. No. No No. No. No. No. No. No", I cried. I saw Juveny hug my mother, and then straighten up, shaking her head. Mr Fendrick tried jamming other buttons, in a frenzy but none of them worked. He took a deep breath and turned to us.

"I want all of you to calm down, and take a huge breath and for Christ's sake keep yourselves alive" he said.

"Nothing's going to happen y'all. We're going to get out of this storm" said my dad, throwing out all his optimism. Through her tears, my mom bit her lips, smiled, nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah we wi-".

I stopped abruptly to take a deep breath, as a large volume of water engulfed us. A monotonous ring ensued, as I flew off the boat, and felt the water around me rushing through my hair. My limbs dropped, lifeless, as I started sinking into the water, forgetting how to breathe. I was tired and lazy and I had no desire to save myself. The deep power of the ocean kept my eyes closed.

Until, out of nowhere, a deep, smooth manly voice spoke to me, bringing my senses back.

'Ischel take your Adiaperache out'.

I fluttered my eyes open, staring into the empty vastness of the sea, looking for someone.

'This isn't happening. Voices don't speak from within your head unless you're hallucinating or dreaming or in fiction books'. I pinched myself.

'Guess I'm not dreaming. Okay, so I'm hallucinating. This isn't real, unless of course tech like that actually existed'.

'OH but IT IS REAL Ischel' said the voice.

I decided that it was, anything was possible in science. This had to be some kind of neural connection, which is something extremely hard to achieve, but it was entirely possible. Whoever I was dealing with, was way smarter than me. I clashed away my thoughts and spoke back inside my head, timidly looking around me, waiting for the man to show up.

"Where are you? How do you know my name?"

"I do not have time Ischel. TAKE IT OUT!"

The voice was effective and compelling. I took off my backpack and my hands flew to unzip it and I took my adiaperache out, pulling the bag over my shoulder again.

'What good will a notebook that doesn't get wet do at a time like this' I thought. But his voice kept me going.

"Open it" he said.

I had never opened the book before, and the pages had stuck to themselves, so I pulled hard, flipping the cover open as the edges cut my fingers. I flinched, but shook it off. The blood from my fingers dripped onto the paper, but instead of rolling away or dissolving in the water like it should have, it sank into the paper. My heart raced and my body felt like it was on fire despite the cold, distant, depth of the water. The normal pale white of the pages turned into parchment and slowly, words in handwritten black ink, started appearing on it.

"If you leave the house, death is certain"

I froze. My heart dropped and my fingers trembled, almost dropping the book. The warning in my head. . . was on paper. I'd never heard it out loud or directed towards me ever before. I heard my heart thump, progressively getting louder and vibrating my insides, making the hair on my skin stand up. I pushed my way to the surface, deliriously. As soon as I came in contact with fresh oxygen, I embraced it gasping for air. I looked around me restlessly, as an invisible threat sat out there sharpening its knives. Sweat rolled down my forehead, and every nerve in my body electrified. That was probably the longest I've ever been underwater.

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