[14] Letting It Go.

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It has been weeks since the pool incident and I have officially gone paranoid.

My mind is ripped up into a thousand fragments and I have made absolutely no progress on discovering Inframagus. But I owed it to mom and so, I didn't stop. The countless loops of confusion that occur in my head between what I have to believe and what I'm not supposed to believe is splitting the two halves of my brain further apart with every passing day.

My friends have been nothing but supportive of me and I keep pushing them to their limits everyday. What's worse? My school grades are dropping again because I didn't test well and usually I take a lot of mock tests to help me improve on that but I didn't have the time. Alaska was doing really great at her school studies and she's way better at testing and I am envious of her. I know I shouldn't be but I am. I can't help it. Every once in a while I find myself drifting off thinking what on earth could she possibly have that's better than me. 'The York School' was repeating itself yet again.

I am going paranoid. I watched the leaves of the oak tree move in a hustle from the autumn wind from the window sill of my classroom.

I heard the loud slap of a book on my table.

"Do you really find my class that boring, Anderson? As it is your grades are severely low these days. What is up with you?" came a series of statements and questions that I couldn't answer from Ms.Dani our biology teacher.

My most favourite subject. Great! I was failing in my most favorite subject too. I was letting everyone down. I haven't found Inframagus. I haven't studied properly in days. I haven't even slept properly from all the reading and the late night research.

"No Ms.Dani, I just had a bad day today. Can I go wash my face?" I asked.

Ms.Dani quickly dismissed me from her class with a wave of her hand, and I walked out to the boy's bathroom. I leaned down into the sink letting the water run down my hair and my face. My head was hurting really bad. I hadn't slept well for weeks now. As I took my head out, it zinged and hurt everywhere. My vision became burry and my legs were too weak to carry me anywhere.

I passed out...for the fifth time this week.

The pain was different and more powerful this time though. It felt as though someone had grabbed a compass needle and drawn straight lines across my head putting significant pressure to make it hurt but not enough to make me bleed. It was torture. I stayed in that state unable to move or call out for help and unable to make the pain stop.

Until, two familiar black shoes entered the washroom and a voice called out, "Oh shit. Not again Peter". Carcer pulled me onto his back and carried me all the way to the medical department on the second floor.

The pain didn't lessen and I kept trying to get rid of it by thrashing around like a psycho. He placed me on a bed and the nurse inserted a needle into my hand for glucose and another needle into my other hand for a sedative I presumed. The world felt heavy and I closed my eyes.


The pain had stopped and I blinked into the strong lights of the room. I still felt mildly tired but it was admissable. I noticed a small hand in mine and turned to face Julie who was sitting next to me.

"How long was I gone?" I asked.

"3 Days this time" she said a frown on her face.

"Peter...I didn't want to tell you this but I think enough is enough. Stop searching for answers Peter. Mom is gone. Just forget about the accident. Move on. Do something better. Work on something that can actually give you results. Your grades are low and you are not healthy at all" she said.

Septerra Inframagus: Claim Of the Invictus. [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now