[1] All was well... until that trip

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"If you leave the house, death is certain". I shuddered. This single warning that recurred every morning had been my greatest fear, however irrational it may seem. This was also why I was a work at home undercover spy for the Eathen agency, who got information on assassins so the agents could chase them down.

I sighed at the men's faces on the missing criminals list, devoid of any kind of love, and ghosted by the blood of the last person they killed, and glanced at the blank wall instead, zoning out. I was way less interested in this year's vacation than I was in last year's. We had a rule in the Anderson house, when it came to summer vacations. Every year, each family member takes turns to decide where to go. I usually don't count, I never left the house for anything except school. I was an informant of sorts. I tracked down the assassins, and the agency killed them for me. I was never paid or anything, in return I had the gratification of security while walking from home to school, knowing that there were no assassins on the loose, but there were of course other things I could never protect myself from.

When dad got his turn, he said mom and him were too busy all year round and that they needed a break together, and that vacation was an epic failure. Me and Juveny were fighting over everything, as siblings rightfully do. It ranged from the T.V remote to the comfort of the couch, and proceeded to expand to my entire being in general. The year after that, it was mom's turn and she wanted us to spend more time together as a family and we might as well have not.

Side note on me and my family; I'm nothing like them. The irony of being an excluded child, in an explorer family was overwhelming. The only person I slightly related to is my mother, and it was only because she was too kind and I looked a lot like her. If that wasn't true, I would've doubted my existence more than I already do. Now, back to the summer trip. The reason why I'm not really interested in it, is because it's Juveny's turn, and she exclusively only chooses to travel or explore a new place. I sighed, dissecting the thought of how my parents would yet again, corner me into travelling with them but this time, I was finally free to leave. For once, I had the pleasure of adventure. Every moment spent outside was unsafe, every moment spent inside was less unsafe, however thirteen years of paranoia had taught me many things; Always be prepared. I walked to the table downstairs, my throat itching in need of water, when I saw the paper's headline.

'Mysterious Island, Roquefort open for visiting tomorrow!'

'50% OFF for tomorrow only.'

I crossed my fingers hoping she wouldn't choose to go there. Anywhere I know of but there. If my parents somehow did convince me into going, it was easier to prepare for consequences if you knew where you were going. A new place on the world map that people knew nothing about, that we were going to visit for the first time ever...didn't sound good at all.

"Ischel! I've been calling you for ages. Come up to the globe room, will you?" shouted my mom from upstairs. Mothers these days can't stop telling us what to do and even though it's annoying I honestly can't help but listen. They have their powers.

"Coming mom, just give me a sec."

"A second in your time is an hour, Ischel. Come up!" she yelled again.

"Okay, okay!" I yelled back, throwing my hands out.

Yes, we do have a globe room in our house. One of the perks of having the most famous explorer of Canada as your father, is unusual and strange things lying all over the house. Like a crossbow, which is the closest thing I have to an adventure. The globe room was a replica of the earth that sat at the very top of our house. It's somewhere where I almost always spent my free time. I climbed up the stairs, noticing how each step failed to go quietly, pulling at my fingers while thinking about the final decision.

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