[6] A start

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I walked along the street, the shadows of the houses falling over me in the orange light. With a quick glance I read the time. 6:30 pm. There was a sharp pang in my chest, and as I staggered backward, a hand covered my mouth and another grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a dark corner. The man wearing the torn green shirt, squared me up against the wall. My eyes widened. I flailed around helplessly, trying to scream for help.

"Stop it" he snapped, his tone harsh and demanding. I continued to flail.

"Stop it please, I do not want another agency at my tail" he said. I tried fighting back, but his hold was too strong, for a man that thin. I had no interest in this man's life. I would like to have kept myself alive instead. I pounded at his chest, all in vain.

"You probably cannot tell, but it kind of hurts, so just stop it". I thought about my options, nothing in my hands, my legs too weak. Then it struck me. I opened my mouth, to bite into him. But the man was fast. He quickly turned me to the other side and stuffed a cloth into my mouth.

"Ahh, this ought to shut you up. Inframagus. That's the complete word" he said. My eyes widened and I stopped fighting.

"Finally" he said, and removed the cloth from my mouth. I stood spellbound. How did he?- Of course, he was standing next to me, he must have heard me speak out the word. But who was this man? And how did he know the rest of the word?

"I overheard you whispering about it" he said, standing tall.

"I work at the Eathen Secret Agency, which I understand you work for as well"

My mind was racing for ways to outrun this guy, yet I stayed rooted in the same spot.

I held my hand out. "Id?" I asked.

"I'm under hiding, I'm wanted by my own agency. I don't have an Id" he said. I raised my eyebrows, and he sighed. A believable statement, but a lie unless proved right. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a broken card, with the agency's symbol. A gold badge with a bold E in the middle surrounded by a tree.

"Say I believe you, but why tell me this"

"Because I believe you might be able to help me, as I helped you to find Inframagus" he said, his hand gently patting my shoulder.

"Fine, I don't know anything about Inframagus. I'm hardly of any help to you. I suggest you get a life and forget you ever me" I said.

"I know something that might help you, and walking away will only lead to your own doom" he said, his blue eyes a shade too bright. I heaved a breath.

"What do you want me to do"

"Just help me find Inframagus, and I'll help you find your mother, but on one condition, don't ask me anything more than I tell you" he said, snapping his fingers, which now wore a black leather glove.

"Fine" I said blindly, blood rushing through my body as if bound by a tight rope, as he averted his gaze, to the sounding police sirens.

"Meet me here tomorrow at this exact time. Anything you find out, I want to hear about it, I'll tell you what I know as well"

"I'm not so sure," I said.

"You will be tomorrow. I cannot be here anymore", he said and ran off so quickly, that for a second I thought he disappeared. No. That was silly. People can't disappear. I rushed back home, climbed the stairs and made my way back into my room, where my annoying half sister Juveny stood.

"Ju! What the hell are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"Just looking around... " she said.

"Since when are you interested in my things, my room or even me?" I snapped

Septerra Inframagus: Claim Of the Invictus. [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now