[20] Growling and Poisonous Stings

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We were headed towards the history class, and I was walking behind the three of them as usual, when I heard a loud bang. It managed to grab the attention of every single student walking the pavement in front of the mansion. They ignored the sound but it rang through everyone's ears again.

"Oh My God. This can't be happening again. How is this happening?!" said Aaron turning to Alaska.

"What's happening? " Julie asked.

"The monsters are back" Aaron said.

"What?!" I yelled.

" Oh ummm yeah its possible that we get attacked by monsters when we're studying sometimes. I'll explain later" Aaron said. I was freaking out and I started looking around me, my hands on my head. I saw a taller boy drowning in the river far away from us. He was struggling to breathe and a hot puffy gas was rising around him. Was that. . . steam?

"Yeah. Right now we have to get both of you somewhere. . ." said Alaska.

I couldn't hear the rest of the sentence because I had already run off in the direction of the red haired boy fighting for his life. I kept running towards his muffled voice and the sound of the running stream. The water was movimg really fast. His body was tumbling as he held onto a branch of a cut down tree. I didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes. I couldn't think of anything to do. I fell to my kees hopelessly, my hands streched out wishing for the water to stop flowing. All I wanted was for the water to stop flowing. I imagined a situation where the water would stop flowing and the boy woul get to breathe again and live again. Stop flowing. I opened my eyes. My hands were trembling and the stream wasn't flowing anymore. The guy with red hair swam out and I lent him a hand. He took it.

"Thank you so much. I will never forget that. You're the newest student right? Peter?" said the dark skinned boy, with bright yellow eyes.

"Yeah I am. How'd you know? " I asked.

"The whole school knows. You're Julie's brother. She's the first early acceptance in a century" he said.

"Yeah. She is. She'll make a great protector" I said proudly.

"So will you. From what I saw jut now. Very few first years can control a fast moving stream on their first try" he said.

"Thanks. What's your name?" I asked.


"So, Finneas what's with the steam?" I asked.

"Oh. My element is fire. I don't know what I was trying to do but I was really stressed out and I couldn't think of a different way to signal anyone" he said chuckling.

"What's your element?" he asked.

"Guessing by what just happened. Fluids" I said.

I was about to walk back to my friends when I heard a growl.

"Oh no. You have seriously got to be kidding me. Peter. One word. Run" said Finneas and we both started running like crazy into the forest. I turned back for a second to see what was chasing us. It was a lion with a man's face, a scorpion's stinger and a bat's wings. The sight of the ferocious thing only made me run faster.

"What the hell in the world is that thing?" I yelled.

"It's a Manticore. If we don't get out of it's sight it's going to eat us alive" he said.

"Can't we just use the wheel rune" I asked shouting.

"It won't work near monsters" he yelled.

I was running and running and running and at that moment I felt grateful for Aaron for making me run everyday in the morning. The beast kept following us it's speed increasing with every step it took, getting closer and closer to us by the minute. Suddenly, I remembered my bow and quiver. I took an arrow and positioned it on the bow, all while running. Finneas was shooting fireballs at the monsters but it didn't work.

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