[15] Lies of the Trusted.

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It was the twentieth of December.
Winter break was here.

The snowfall was heavy and the pomp and show of Christmas celebrations were out in the air although Christmas was still a week away. I was leaving to visit our new house in the isolated island of Roquefort and meet my dad after four months. Aaron wasn't leaving till next week because his parents hadn't come back from Paris yet or so he says. He was staying at Alaska's place till his parents came back and yes they invited me but I had already promised my dad that I'd come. To say the least, I was a little pained by the fact that I wasn't able to spend time with them.

The five of us had grown really close in these four months. But Alaska and I pretty much had the same relationship with each other. No matter how hard I tried to create a normal space between us she would still be too distant. It was annoying really. Extremely annoying. Sometimes I just hated her but then again she says something funny or lovable and I forget to stay mad. I was walking with Julie, down to Jade's car. He had become our official chauffeur for every special occasion.

"Ready?" he asked as he stood in his brilliant blue suit, white shirt and blue pants.

"Have been for four months now" said Julie as she placed the suitcases into the trunk.

"I don't know Jade. I'm still a little nervous. But I really want to see dad. It's been too long. I missed him" I said.

"I get it Peter. I also know that you're going, secretly only because you want to ride the cruise" said Jade raising his eyebrows and patting me on my shoulder as he walked to get inside the driver's seat.

"Shut up Jade...but you know what I do really want to get on that cruise ship" I said smiling like an idiot and nodding my head slightly.

He laughed and said, "Then let thy be honoured for thy shall be travelling in a cruise ship".

Ugh. 'Why does everyone have to say it wrong?' I thought, shaking my head, as I got into the shotgun. Rule no: 1. If you're driving with me, I am always, always getting the shotgun seat.

"Whatever" I said and closed the door.

Julie got inside too and then we drove to the docks of lake Ontario yet again. This time things were better. I wasn't as nervous as before or as stressed out as before. Jade led us to the only cruise ship in the dock and then walked aboard himself. It was just the same as dad's. The sides were a classy white and everything on the ship was luxurious. There was a pool. There was a mini indoor golf court. There was a kitchen and then a bunk bed for me and Julie to share. Jade was going to drive us to the island and then leave in the smaller boat attached to the bottom which was usually only meant for emergencies. I stacked our suitcases full of clothes, in the corner of the room.

"Yes! bunk bed! I'm calling the top bunk" Julie said, trying to quickly mark her place. In a swift move I caught her and pushed her back towards the door. She came at me again and now I stood still trying to hold her in one place.

"No way! I came here first" I said.

"Dude...I called first" said Julie.

"Let her have the bed Peter, she's younger than you" said Jade. I snorted and scoffed. All they have to do is be younger than us and we have to give up everything, everything because being older means being more mature. She's like 13 years old. Technically, she's a teenager too people.

"Ugh all the time." I said, letting her go.

Julie climbed onto the top bunk a smirk playing across her younger sibling face. I shot her an annoyed look and went outside. I climbed the stairs to the upper deck where the pool was and walked towards thw railings and stood there breathing in all the ocean scent and watching the waves forcefully crash into the ship and die down. Once, the ship shuddered and I became terrified, memories of the last moments with my mother filling my head. I ran back into the bedroom and stuck my face inside a pillow, trying to slow my heart beat and breathing rate.

Suddenly I remembered something. The day of the winter solstice. Aaron had somehow convinced me into forgetting about that and leaving my plans alone. Now that he was nowhere to be seen, the notes that I had memorised all came back to me. I quickly take my laptop out and search for articles that mention a different date. I found none. I tried searching for the articles that Aaron had shown me but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was confused. Nothing that Aaron told me was true. Why would he do that? I trusted him. I even told him to make experiment plans. No wonder nothing worked. It only happens once a year on winter solstice. I was right the whole time. I closed my laptop and took Adiaperache out. I designed a plan for the day of 21st December and put everything back inside my bag. I lied on my bed and sighed.

"Julie...?" I called out.

" Yeah..? " she replied.

"Aaron lied. None of the articles he told us about were true. They don't even exist" I said.

"Peter. Really? Aaron? The guy who literally acted like your brother all the time. Betray your trust? Stop being so silly" she said.

"No Julie... look" I said handing her my MacBook. She spent some time scrolling and searching, and then finally said something.

"Oh god. You're right. But why? Why would Aaron do something like that?" she said handing it back to me.

"I don't know. He was against me searching for Inframagus from day 1. And his weird habit of snapping his fingers all the time to get my attention was so bossy and annoying" I said.

"Well, atleast now you realise how I feel" said Julie sighing.

"Shut up. I'm not that bossy" I said.

"...and there's the preview" she said.

"Whatever Julie" I said, rolling my eyes and falling back onto the bed.

After a long ride, at late night, we reached Roquefort. As the ship hit the land it sent shivers down my spine. Jade anchored the boat and told us to get down. We climbed down the stairs and onto the land. At the very front of the beach, not too far away was a well built wooden house that the government had built for dad for his stay in the island.

Everywhere I looked there were exotic trees and plants that I hadn't seen before. A man with a short beard, and a strong physique walked out of the front door in a pant and a huge brown jacket to protect himself from the cold. It was snowing lightly and the whole scene was so beautiful. I slowly, firmly walked towards the warmth of the house and my father's arms. Julie straight out ran all the way even though the snow was ankle deep, and hugged him. I kept walking looking longingly at their image as I went closer. I was standing in front of them and my father looked up at me with his hazel eyes and brown hair and gestured me into the hug. I was back home. It felt good.

"Oh. I missed you two and your petty fights" said my father laughing and we joined in too.

"I missed you too Dad" I said.


I know. I know. I am soooo sooorrryyy. It was small but yes again, it was important. I tried to make it readable hope you liked it. I gave an insight into brother sister fights. I hope you could relate. Lol.
Coming back with more tomorrow. Till then left you hanging.
Will pick you up tomorrow.
I amm..
Comment what you make of this chapter...!!!
Carla Brook.

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