Chapter#28 "Eyes can't lie"

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"The eyes shout what the lips fear to say."

-William Henry.


Anaar POV:

My life was a mess now. I don't know what to do. I was so scared to tell my parents about Aurang because they thought I have never been in a relationship nor did I love somebody. And secondly, I don't want them to be disappointed by me. I know they have done so injustice to me by not telling me from the start that I'm going to get married to my Khala's son.

But they are the ones who raised me so well and were educated. They are my parents, how can I disobey them. They have done everything for me. They didn't buy anything for their selves just to pay my school and college fees. They gave me everything I wished for as if my parents were millionaires.

But what should I do with my heart?

How can I keep it calm? My heart still loves Aurang from the core of it.

How can I forget him?

How am I gonna live with the person I don't love.

How am I gonna face him by telling him the truth by myself that I love someone else?

I still can't forget the pain I saw in Aurang's eyes. The way he was shattered. The way he looked at me with hatred and disgust. I just want to tell him that I love him so much. I do.

But I know I can't say it now because a girl like me doesn't deserve him. I should have fought for my way, for my love but I didn't. I know I'm a coward.

No one knows what I'm feeling inside. There's no one I can share my pain with, not even Sarah.

Just by thinking of her name my phone started to vibrate. At first, I thought it would be Aurang so I quickly rushed to take my phone and saw Sarah calling me. I let out a dejected sigh as I felt disappointed to not see even a single call or message from Aurang from the day we broke up.

Did he forget about me?

He doesn't love me now?

Does he hate me?

Well he should, that's what I deserve. I came back to reality when I saw a second missed call from Sarah. I picked it up, being in tension as to what she's gonna ask.

"Hey, Sarah." I tried to smile across the phone to not let her think anything negative.

"Hey. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine what about you?" She answered me with the same.

" What are you doing now. Are you busy these days?" She asked.

"Um I'm sitting on the sofa watching T.v. and no I'm not. What's wrong?" I answered.

" I see. Yes, you're busy nowadays because you don't even reply to my messages nor my calls and this is the hundredth call of mine that you, at last, picked it up."

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