|Chapter#31| Blank

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"I never knew  I could feel so much pain, and yet be so in love with the person causing it."


Anaar POV:

I felt my eyes open when a sudden headache enveloped me. I narrowed my eyes at the ache going in my head and moved my fingers to my temples to press it and erase the pain with it. A painful and irritated groan left my mouth as I felt sharp stinging pain going through my temples. I suddenly realised it was not my home, not my bed as well, I looked for the surroundings near me, I got up, sat in the bed and I went into deep thoughts about how I ended up being there. My heart clenched hard at the pain I felt. Then something struck my mind and I remembered the moment when I fell on his shoulder, I guess I fainted. Yes, I did.

I saw Sarah coming from behind the door, holding a tray of food in her hands. As she saw me sitting in the bed she instantly startled and gasped,

"Oh my God! You woke up." She placed the tray on the nightstand beside the bed and quickly sat beside me holding my hands.

"Thanks, God. Oh, I was so worried." She confessed genuinely and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back but the memories of what happened to me came up to my mind and I needed someone, someone's shoulder to lean upon it and cry on to ease the burden and pain on my shoulder and head. I hugged her tightly as tears started their way to my face. I cried myself out and her shoulder where I was leaning became all wet. She caressed my back with her hand.

"It's okay I'm with you. Okay?  cry as much as you want, as much as you feel to. I would not stop you. I know how you feel. I can understand." She said.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say to you. But remember I'll be always there for you when you need me. I don't understand why bhaiya did this. He was not like this."

I move back a little to see her face and saw her crying too but was stopping herself from doing it. "You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault. Why would you apologize stupid." I hugged her again.

"Still I'm his sister." She whispered slowly and painfully.

"Shhh! Just hug me like this for some time. Will you?" I said while hugging her. I felt her nodding and she hugged me back.

After a few minutes she asserted; "I brought something for you to eat in the hope you will wake up soon. Please have some." She broke the hug and took the tray on her lap.

I shook my head no. "I'm not hungry. I'm fine." I smiled at her.

"At least take some juice then. You need energy." I took the glass from her hand which she was holding and started to drink. She smiled at me.

The day went on like that with Sarah. I was in Sarah's room. Her mom also came to me and was very disappointed with what her son did. She was so nice. I thought she would hate me and say the things which would make me feel disgusted but she didn't, instead, she took me in her arms and hugged me tightly, saying some soothing words which indeed soothed my mind and heart. Uncle just patted my head and smiled at me and said everything will be alright. My mind was somewhat at ease to know how loving they are.

The whole day I didn't even see a glimpse of Aurang and I was happy with that. I didn't want to see his face. I was so angry with him. How can I not? What he did was not acceptable at all, and I'll never accept it, never. If he thinks that he won my heart and me by doing what he did then he's wrong. I still cannot believe he did that. How can he force me to marry him? 

'But did he force me?' My inner thinking struck me. I didn't know the reason behind it. Why did I not say no to the Nikkah? Why?

would have said not and would have back up.

I'll never forgive what Aurang did. I'll never let him have me. I'll never look at him the way I used to. I'm not the same Anaar I used to be. Does he think that by having oneself to his side, by marrying him or her, he can have her? No, not at all.


Aurang POV:

Sitting in my car parked I don't know where, I was lost in my thoughts on what I did. I married Anaar. The love of my life. I always dreamt of having her as my wife, my soulmate. I only wanted and needed her, I still do with my whole heart and mind. I love her to the instant that I would do anything for her, to have her, to make her mine, mine only.

I know what I did was wrong. Indeed it was, I was selfish, but I didn't want to lose her. She was my life after all. How could I give up on my life?

But somewhere I felt disappointed and disgusted because I know I hurt her. I know she hates me now. She would never look at me the same way as she used to. I have lost her trust in me. How will I convince her now to love me back, the way I love her? How can I prove to her that I love her so much? How can I tell her that she's my need, my want? I can never get enough of her. I love her so much that I would die for her if that was what she wants me to do.

I did it because I don't want her to be of someone else other than me. She belongs to me. The only thought of having her by someone else side made me burn in rage. And for that exact reason, I made her mine.

'But was she yours?' my inner self questioned me. I clenched my jaw as to even think that she don't want me.

But I still won't give up on her. I would do anything to make her love me again if that means I have to be harsh with her. Yes, I would do anything to be beside her because I love her like crazy. She's my obsession.


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