Chapter#11. "Can't Get You Out Of My Mind."

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"The best feeling is when you look at him, and he's already staring."


Anaar POV:

I rushed to my house and jumped onto my bed. I was crying loud while my head was buried under the pillow. I don't know why but I felt myself too bad for behaving arrogant with Aurang. He was being nice to me. I was too rude with him. I disappointed him. Now he would never see me again. He would never talk to me.

"God! What have I done!?" I fisted my hair in my palms.

I sat up in the bed as I was regretting to let him know my feelings. I thought about what if I had told him about my feelings. What his reaction could have been. But I disappointed him. I saw the disappointed and dejected look on his face.

I was unsure of me to tell him about my feelings because I have never confessed it even with myself  about what I feel about him. But today I felt so terribly bad of not telling him that I also feel the same like him. I always seek for his presence everywhere and everyday. Every night I end up thinking about him. Every morning his face is the only one who appears infront of me whenever I open my eyes.

'If you don't like him Anaar so then why do you feel bad for not telling him how you feel about him. You should not care if you he's nothing to you.' my thoughts again surrounded me.

These thoughts were killing me more inside. I wanted to disappear form here, from this place, from this situation. I rubbed my temples with my fingers and wiped all of my tears. I got up to go to washroom to wash my face and to divert my mind from these thoughts. I came out of the washroom and again lie on bed. His thoughts were not leaving me. And with that I drifted off to sleep.


Aurang POV:

I was hella angry on the way back home. She was being weird. I was telling her about my feelings and she was ignoring me. She was acting like if she doesn't care at all. She could have at least said yes or no. This was really making me angry. This is the first time I'm telling someone about my feelings and that person is taking me for granted. I was not able to control my anger as I started to breathe long to calmed down.

I stopped the car at the side of the road. As I thought of what happened earlier.

"I should stay away from her. That's better for me. If she don't like me then I can't force her to like me." I murmured with myself as I started the engine again to go.


*One month later*

It's been almost a month since I saw Anaar. I tried to ignore her whenever she come to our home by staying in my room. But I failed to think about her when I was alone.

I got out of my room and went to kitchen to drink water. I walked to the lounge as I saw Anaar and Sarah sitting there gossiping. I felt sudden rush going through my heart. My eyes were thriving to see her as I have not seen her for so many days. My eyes were fixed on her as I saw her turned her face towards me. I felt my heart plugged at her sudden gaze. We stared at each other trying to communicate by our eyes, her eyes soften as she didn't flinch away. We were interrupted by Sarah voice.

"Hey bhaiya! Why are you standing there? Do you need anything?"

"Ah-huh no nothing I was just passing by" I turned my eyes to Sarah and answered her and again fixed my eyes on Anaar. She seemed little discomfort under my gaze. And I liked it.

I turned back to move to my room. I open the door of my room and moved to my couch. I jumped on the couch and lying with my back on it, one arm placed  under my head and the thoughts of her again started their way in my mind.

"God! I missed her soo much" I whispered within myself.

I wasn't able to control myself anymore. I walked out of my room again and watched for Anaar. I saw Sarah was not with her anymore and Anaar was busy using her mobile. I leaned on the wall to watch her with my hands folded on my chest. I watched her silently while she was using her mobile. I thought within myself, 'I don't know what has this girl done to me. I was never like this. I was never attracted to a girl like this ever. This is something different, I can feel this. I want to know her. Want to spend time with her. I have never been so curious about anyone. She is the first one. But why is She the first one. Damn I like her. I like her so much. I know my heart seeks her different from others. I have told her about my feelings but I think she doesn't feel the same way. She's always ignoring me. But why do I also feel at the same time that she feels the same way like me. Attraction grew more when . You start to think about the moments with which you were with him or her. It gives you soothing when you think about him or her. That's exactly what's happening with me. Thinking of her gives me comfort, watching her makes me at peace and impatient to tell her how much I like her, to trace her features in my mind so that I can remember her. I have almost memorized her face curves and edges. She's the most beautiful lady alive.'

After few minutes of gazing her soul she got up and walked towards Sarah room I guessed, which was on the way where I was standing. I hide myself behind the wall.

She was coming more near and my heart was accelerating at high pace. She almost passed by me as I grabbed her from her arm and pushed her towards the wall. I don't know, I wasn't planning to talk to her or do something else, I just wanted to see her as I was missing her but now that I saw her I wanted to talk to her.

She was about to scream as I held my palm in front of her mouth to stop her from screaming and made a hush sound.

"Shsh Anaar! It's me. Calm down."

She was scared as hell. She was breathing fast. I removed my hand from her mouth to let her talk.

"Y-you scared m-me." She stammered and held her hand towards her heart.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."

I hold her chin lightly to make her face me. She looked me in the eyes for two to three seconds and immediately lowered her gaze.

"How are you Anaar?" I leaned more closer to her. She started to shiver. She tried to move back but bad for her there was no way.

I simpered as she didn't say anything and was looking down not eyeing me.

She wasn't making me flinch away so I moved closer to her ear which was only few inches away, " I missed you fire!" She shivered again as I felt her breath under my neck which made me lose my mind. My heart was bouncing. I wanted her more. I leaned more towards her skimming my lips on her ears as I moved slowly towards her jaw and then towards her cheek placing my lips there. She was breathing so fast as she gulped. I palmed her face between my hands and rubbed my thumb along her pink cheeks, "I missed you so much baby, so fucking much." I leaned more closer to her and that's when I heard a voice. A Damn voice.

"Anaar? Anaar? Where are you?" I heard Sarah voice. I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

We both at once disclosed our nearness. As Anaar started to panic within herself. She was beet red from the little hot encounter we had now. At the time even I can't stop admiring her, she's so cute when she's flustered or nervous.

"Calm down Anaar! You go this side. She'll be coming this way soon." I told her as she quickly rushed to the side I pointed her. I smiled at her cuteness, she's surely the one for me.

I went to my room and lie on my couch. Thinking of what just happened few minutes earlier made my heart fluttered again. I smiled within myself.

Why did she not stopped me from going near her. Why? Does she like me as I do?

'I can never stay away from you as far as I know. I will make you mine and I mean it.' I thought of it and close my eyes recalling what just happened again and again. I know I decided to stay away from her but now I definitely know that It's impossible for me.


Ajwa Khan<3

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