|Chapter# 34| I Can Be Your Hero

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"I wish time could just stop when I'm in your arms because it's the best feeling ever."


Aurang POV:

Looking at her sleeping form I remembered the time we spent together. How she said she likes me, the way she would blush whenever I praised her or even look at her. I just wonder, if she feels the same for me now or not because I'm dying to know about her feelings.

The clock was ticking and the night was almost ending but I was unable to sleep because of the sleeping beauty sleeping beside me. How can I sleep when she's so near me? how can I sleep when I have got the chance to see her so close to me?

She was sleeping so peacefully, unaware that I'm staring at her because if she was awake she would have never left me to do that. My heart wanted to tell her that she can trust me more than herself. I would never hurt her. By God I love her so much how can I let her go and hurt her? 

I moved my hand to her face to remove her hair strands which were hiding her features from me. I swear she was the most beautiful human alive. I want to hold her tight and tell her how much she's capable of being loved. To tell her that I'll always be by her side. I'll never leave her. I want to protect her from everything. I want to be her hero, her saviour I'm waiting for the time when she'll gladly accept me as hers', as her husband. when she'll talk and laugh with me all day long. when she'll hold me to not go to work and stay with her instead. I'm waiting for her to smile at me and tell me that she loves me as much as I love her. she's truly the definition of innocence.


*Next Morning*

Anaar POV:

I opened my eyes when I felt someone's hand sneaking around my waist. I slowly turned my head to adjust to the situation and to my surprise I was lying in the arms of Aurang. my eyes widened at this proximity Nd my heartbeat accelerated.

I tried to move from his embrace but he was holding me tight. I wiggled around him to get free but in vain. I sighed and looked at the man sleeping soundly. He was looking so cute while sleeping. the way he was taking his long breaths made me want to lose my mind. I watched him silently for I don't how much time as I witnessed his handsomeness.

I was so lost in him as I heard him say still eyes closed. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

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