Chapter#15. "Love Is In The Air"

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"Love is in the air everywhere I look around. Love is in the air every sight and every sound."

-Tom Jones.


Anaar POV:

Guests were done with the dinner. Everyone was happy with the arrival of Aashir. All the time since his arrival he was sitting stick to his mother aka Sobia Auntie. I can feel how much he loves his mother. She was also too happy for him and caressed his hair and face time by time.

I was sitting with the guests busy talking to them with Sarah sitting beside me. Aurang was sitting beside his father. They all were busy gossiping. I felt Aurang gaze all the time. His eyes are something which makes me unable to focus on anything else. They are the oceans in which I cannot find myself but the depth. I lost control of my senses when I look at him. It seems as if he and I, we both are the only one in this world. So I do not look at him much because this makes me to look at him constantly which I don't want and don't want to show it to anybody.

Sarah told me to accompany her bringing sweets for the guests. I followed her. I saw Aurang at once got up from his place and walked towards my side. We were walking towards each other and facing each other. I lifted my eyes at him. He was gazing me deeply. I lowered my eyes instantly and continued walking. As he was about to pass beside me. I felt his hand brushed with mine. I felt heat rushing through my face as he touched me. My heart started to race so fast. He continued his walk at the same time but his walk pace was slow. I gulped and stepped faster.

When I saw nobody around me. I leaned on a wall and place my hand on my chest to control the beating of my heart. My palm were tingling where he had touched.

Oh God I thought of it. This was the most electric shock moment for me. My heart was drumming if it's going to come out from my chest at anytime.

I heard Sarah voice calling me. I calmed myself by inhaling and exhaling the air fast and rushed towards her at once.


I was sitting in my room terrace. I was busy reading Novel. I was reading the novel but my thoughts were somewhere else. I don't know but I have never felt this before. It's some kind of  different and unique feeling. I just like these feeling. I want these feelings more. I was lost in my la la land when I heard my phone beeped. I reached for it to see who has texted. My breath stopped at once as I saw Aurang named popped out on the screen. I gulped and opened the message hesitantly.

"Hey beautiful! I hope you reached home safe. Thank you for today for Everything it means a lot. Good night <3" I gulped and stare at the text for few minutes. Smile appeared on my face automatically.

I thought several times within myself to text him back or not.

I typed something " Mention not" as I typed I removed it instantly.

I again typed, "Good night" I erased it again.

With irritated sigh I placed the phone far away from me. But something in my heart was not satisfied. I looked at the phone time to time. At last I reached for it and typed the message.

"It's okay I'm glad I was helpful. Shab bakhair!" I pressed the send button and placed the phone on my lap. I smiled again with myself as I remembered today's events. I got up from their and went to sleep.


*Two Days later*

I was busy in the kitchen cooking. I was humming song while cooking. Suddenly my phone start ringing. I saw Sarah name on the caller id and I immediately answered it.

"Hey! Chullbul.. wassup?" I asked her as I mixed the ingredients on the frying pan.

"Hey! I'm fine how are you? What are you doing" She asked.

"I'm fine just busy in cooking." I said

"Ahaan! Chef what's cooking?"


"Ary my favorite!" She squeaked. "I also want that yaar" she cried.

I laughed at her, "So then come over"

"I wish I could but not now yaar I'm working on my assignments. I'll come tonight or tomorrow may be. Then you will cook Chowmein for me." She ordered.

"Yeah sure why not. I'll wait for you." I assured her.

"Okay see you later"

"Okay bubye, take care." I cut the call and place it on the table.

After few minutes I heard my phone ringing again. It was Sarah again. I picked it up with a smile.

'She must have forgotten to tell me for which she has called' I thought while smiling at her stupidity.

"Yeah babe? Everything's fine? I asked in concern.

"Yeah yeah everything is fine. I actually forgot to tell you for which I have called you before. Silly me." She laughed at herself.

I laughed at her too, "So tell me silly girl what's the matter?"

"Our family means only our house members are going to the picnic trip next weekend. So I thought if you can come along. What say? Please don't say no okay?" She asked while being demanding at the same time.

"Are you serious? How can I go with you people. That's your family time. Don't let me ruin it. Just go and enjoy." I said in disbelief as I explained.

"Please Anaar! Don't talk rubbish. I need someone to company me. How would I enjoy if I have no friends to enjoy with?" She pleaded and almost cried.

"Come on Sarah don't be silly. You have your family what else do you want. By the way I would feel so uncomfortable there and...." I tried to explain but she interrupted me.

"Why Anaar? I was so excited that you would say yes. I have also talked to Mom and the rest about you and they willingly agreed."

I paused for some moment and then said. "Sarah this is impossible. Sorry I can't come. Even Mama would not allow me."

She let out dejected sigh, "Fine as you wish. Bye." with that she hung up the call.

"Hello Sarah? Sarah? God Sarah how can you?" I looked at the phone in disbelief.

I was feeling bad for Sarah for saying her no. But I know I would feel so uncomfort there and most importantly Aurang would also be there. I can't face him. I lose control of myself whenever he is around so how can I trust myself to calm myself down when he will be 24/7 around me.

"No, no this cannot happen. Never." I thought with myself as I screamed.

I have never gone to picnic or to any other city other than my parents. And yeah for sure Mama would not allow me. I thought of Sarah as I picked up the plate of chowmein and started to eat.


Ajwa Khan<3

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