Chapter#23. "Endless Love"

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"When I tell you that I love you, I'm not saying it out of habit, I'm reminding you that you're my life."


Anaar POV:

It was the last day of our trip and I was already feeling sad to leave this beautiful places and views.

"I can't believe we're going back tomorrow." Sarah whined. "I wish we could stay a little bit longer." I nodded at her agreeing with her.

It was 10 at night. We both were sitting beside the cliff. I know it's dangerous to sit late at this time on a cliff but we were surrounded by people. So chill.

"You're right. But I think it's really the time to go back because my parents are alone. They must be missing me." I smiled with myself while remembering them. I miss them so much.

We were looking at the view which could be seen in front of us, so beautiful, so peaceful, only some dim lights shining at us indicating it to be the houses of the residents of that area.

"How lucky are they to live in such a peaceful environment. Aren't they?" I asked Sarah. She hummed.

After some minutes of silence as I was in my deep thoughts Sarah suddenly turned towards me holding my arms. "When are you really going to tell me about you and bhaiya. It's enough okay? I'm just waiting for you to trust me and tell me everything a best friend do. So just stop hiding in the bushes and tell me now or never." She burst out at once at me with anger. I got startled and absorb what she said so straight forwardly.

"Wh-at the he-ll are you-u talking-g about?" I stammered. "Are you-u kidding-g me?

She narrowed her eyes at me and greeted her teeth. "Come on, I want the TRUTH!!" I gulped.

"Do you like bhaiya? And does he like you?" My eyes widened and I blinked at her immediately my heart started beating fast.

"I'm observing you both so much. Continuously staring at each other as if you both are going to eat each other." I gasped, "Shut up! You..... ." I slapped her on her arm.

She rubbed her arm with her hand which I hit. "Aghgh! Why huh why? I'm telling the truth. Even a blind can tell something is going between you both." She rolled at her eyes at me.

I was really getting irritated by her, the way she was speaking was irritating me, my God I wanted to kill her. She was continuously blabbering. I hold my head in my hands as I was at the edge of my tolerance and she was doing it on purpose.

"Stop it!!" I shouted. "You're right. Yes there's something between us. So what?" I blurted out and then immediately put hands on my mouth. "Oh shit." I cursed. She widened her eyes and gasped at my sudden confession.


I was dying of embarrassment. I thought within myself 'I'm trapped.' I lowered my head.

"Wowww!! I never expected you to say this so quickly to me. Umm I like it." She winked at me. I sighed with embarrassment.

"So...." She was about to ask me something but I stopped her by placing my hand in air. "Enough. Not now. I think it's enough for today."

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