Chapter#20. "I Love You"

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Listen to the song above while reading this chapter <3

"17 by Pink Sweats."


"I love you, and I'll love you until I die, and if there's a life after that, I'll love you then."

-Cassandra Claire


Aurang POV:

It was another night of our trip, yeah you can say that after twenty four hours of our arrival. It was 8 at night. I was lying on the grass outside guest house while my both arms placed under my head, my one leg lying straight and the other one bend up. I was staring at the stars and the thoughts of Anaar had enveloped me. I was confused and curious to know what had happened to Anaar. Why is she ignoring me? Why is she acting strange? I wanted to know what had happened. I removed my arms under my head and let out a dejected sigh.

I got up from there and went to join the rest of the family. They were enjoying bonfire while they all circling it. They were talking about our childhood as I came near them. While Anaar was listening to them attentively with a genuine smile on her face. As she saw me coming, her smile faded away replacing it with a fake smile. She seemed uncomfortable.

"Aaahh come on Aurang we are talking about your childhood." Baba said while waving at me. I smiled at him and took a seat beside him.

"Is it true you always fight with Aashir for your toys?" Sarah said while laughing at me. I sat near baba while listening her and my eyes were on Anaar. She looked at me and as usual lowered her gaze again.

"Ahh! I don't really remember but yeah I used to fight with him over my things. Whenever he touched my toys and belongings I used to fight with him. I really can't compromise on the things which belongs to me. Isn't it normal to fight over your things and belongings" I half laugh and eyed Anaar to see if she got my point but she was looking down at the grass.

"Yeah I still remember you didn't give me your Spiderman costume for once to wear and I still hate you for that." Aashir whined while rolling his eyes. Everyone laughed at him.

"Do you have any childhood story Anaar?" Mom asked Anaar.

"Uh-huh! Yeah I do have. I was the most naughtiest girl among all our friends. I used to make my friends fight against each other and in all this I acted innocent." I smiled at her. I was about to say something to her as Aashir said.

"You were cruel Anaar. Do you know that?" Aashir teased her. Anaar laughed embarrassingly.

We talked there for hours. Everyone was too happy. We took pictures and captured videos of this beautiful moments. Anaar was ignoring me the whole time. And it was making me angry more and more. I secretly took picture of Anaar as she was busy talking with Sarah. I felt it was wrong but I needed to because I wanted to see her when she is not around me.

"Okay we should go to sleep now. Tomorrow we will be going to farthest stop so we need to make it early." Baba got up from his chair as he went to his room. Mom also said her good nights and tagged along Baba.

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