|Chapter#33| I Want To Be Beside You

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"I hope there'll be a miracle of you, loving me more than I love you."



Anaar POV:

I shifted to Aurang's room as auntie assured me to stay in his room and Aurang will not sleep in his from now onwards. I was a bit uncomfortable staying in his room but I believed auntie. It was my second day in his and thanks God he didn't show up.

I tried to call my parents but none of them attended my calls. I didn't give up and every day I called them to at least hear their voices. Mom picked up my call after the hundredth attempt. She was crying and she did forgive me but she told me Baba still doesn't talk about me, he gets angry whenever Mon mentions my name. It hurts so bad to know that. She said he won't know that she was calling me secretly as he strictly forbade her to call me. this agonizing pain left me in nothing. I can't tolerate this pain. I miss my parents.

Sitting on the bed, studying my lectures because my exams were after two months and my preparation was at zero level. I had to do my best at least to be passed. Leaning on the bed headboard, ruffling the pages of my book, I heard the door opening. I looked up to see who it was and my eyes widened at the person I saw. Aurang entered the room and slowly closed the door behind him. He leaned on the door, one arm behind his back and another one on his thighs, looking at me. I looked down to focus on my book, pretending that I don't care about his presence but his stare was distracting me. Even though I was still angry with him and didn't want to see his face but he was looking damn handsome right there standing beside the door, wearing a black shirt with black sweatpants. I calmed myself and thought that he must have forgotten something here in his room and come here to get it.

For standing for more than a few minutes I eyed him, eyes raising;  "What are you doing here? Go to your room."

He took a big sigh and ran fingers through his hair, as he was waiting for me to say anything. Walking towards me; "I came to my room." A scowl on his face.

"This is not your room anymore. So please get out." I sternly said and started to get up from the bed. A hand gripped my wrist and pushed me to sit on my previous spot.

"Oh, baby this is my room. Can't you see the pictures of mine hanging here on the walls?" I looked at the frames of his photos and gulped.

"This is my room." He said again. "The bed in which you sit, the pillow that you're holding tight and the blanket that you're covered with, that is all mine." He explained teasingly.

"It's so good to see you here, in my room. you can't imagine how much I dreamt of having you beside me always." I tried to free my hand from his grip but he had other plans.

He held my hand in both hands which seemed very tiny in his big ones. He slowly started caressing it. He moved his lips and kiss the back of my palm and caress that spot. I got surprised and my heart started running fast.

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