Who are these people?

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"normal talk"

'sigh language'


As soon as Revali said that only one person said anything.

3rd person: "Link who are these people?" Asked the little girl who was still unidentified to most of the people in the room. The champions and the prince's eyes widened a little at this little girl speaking to the knight of Hyrule so casually. Just as someone else was about to speak, the king spoke up and said, "Little girl may I ask for your name?" in a surprisingly soft tone that not many had heard from the king. "My name is Aryll, my king," she said respectfully remembering what her family had told her about being respectful. "Well Aryll this is the princess of Hyrule Zelda and these are the champions of Hyrule, Daruk, Mipha, Ravali, and Urbosa. And I can only assume that you know the appointed knight of Hyrule, Link."

After she heard the names of the people they all swore that they could see stars in her eyes that were bussing with excitement. She turned to Link and said very enthusiastically, "Link aren't these the people you work with?" Link looked towards the girl and nodded his head a yes.

Impa's pov: I set my gaze at the heartwarming scene in front of me with a faint smile on my lips. I know who the family was because Purra has talked about them a lot when she comes to visits. She adores this family and I know that she was heartbroken when their father died. I also felt happy knowing that the kids were reunited with their father after he had fallen in battle to protect the king from the blasted Yiga clan. I really hate them for tearing apart such a wonderful family. I look around and I see that most people have either the same expressions on their faces or they have a confused one. I softly chuckle at them. (sorry that wasn't much for her, I'll try to include her more later.)

Daruk pov: I'm so confused, so the little guy knows two of the people who appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Now the little girl that we now know as Aryll, asked Link if he works with us so I decided to speak up. "Yes," I said gaining her attention and everyone else's in the room, " Yes we are, I'm Daruk." After I said that she said, "So you're the friends that Link has told me about!" 

3rd person: After she said that all eyes went to Link whose face had a slight blush out of embarrassment. Aryll turned to Link with expecting eyes. Link signed 'yes they are' with his hands. Aryll's eyes widened with excitement as she turned around and ran up to where they were standing.

"Hi! I'm Aryll, I've heard so much good things from you!" She exclaimed very energetically. "May I ask who has told you those things?" Said a small and gental voice that belonged to Mipha. "I heard them from my brother." said Aryll. "Who is your brother young one?" asked Urbosa. The question that had been on everyone's mind. "My brother is Link." she said pointing to the blushing knight not used to this much attention. 

Everyones jaws dropped. For about a minuet there was complete silence before it broke into chayos. "WHAT!?" the champions exclaimed. Non of them knew that Link had a little sister. This shocked Mipha the most because they had been childhood friends, how had she not known he had a sister. They all look twards Link for some kind of answer. He just an awkward shrug not knowing how to respond to the expecting eyes.


I'm so sorry for making this so long. I'll try to get to the reaction as soon as possible. I'll try to make the next chapter better and shorter if yall want. I've been really busy with school work. But I promise I'll post soon. It's also 1:05 am.

Have a lovely day my hatchlings.


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