3rd video

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A/N: Before I start, I would like to give credit to Shinshinjane for their writing description of the memories because I could never be that good at writing. They have let me use it from their book, What the Future Holds. I would go check it out because it inspired me to make this book, so go check them out. I do not own the Legend of Zelda. Bold- memory, outside the memory "Talking" 'Sign language'__________________________

3rd person:

Up in the sky was the Divine Beast Vah Medoh over Rito village, where Link walked over to the take-off preach deck as a strong updraft came soaring in, and riding on that updraft was Revali. Landing with ease on the railing.

"Impressive, I know." He says "Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite a masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito. With proper utilization of my superior skill, I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense of Ganon."

"He sure is proud of this updraft thing," Aryll and her father thought, having never heard of it before.

Revali jumps off the railing and walks around Link as he continues where he left off, with Link eyeing him. "Now then, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note... But let's not- Pardon me for being so blunt- let's not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito. Yet despite these truths, it seems that I have been tappen to merely assist you."

He points at Link and then points to the Master Sword.

"All because you happen to have that little darkness-sealing sword on your back. I mean, it's just... asinine."

When they heard the memory, almost the entire room was glaring at the Rito. He tensed at the stares that he was getting. The people who were glaring the hardest were Aryll, Link's dad, and the King. After glaring at him for a few minutes, they all reluctantly stopped glaring at him and turned their attention back to the screen. The people who were close to the Rito could hear a little sigh of relief.

"Unless... You think you can prove me wrong?" Said Revali as he gets close up into Link's face "Maybe we should just settle this one on one?"

He pretended to think for a moment.

"But where...? Oh, I know! How about up there?!" He waves his arm to his Divine Beast up in the sky and then laughs at Link.

"Oh, you must pardon me," Revali says with false apologies, as he turns around and snaps his winged arms at Link.

"I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own!"

And takes off from the deck leaving Link in his winded dust behind on the ground, Revali calls back down at him.

"Good luck sealing the darkness!"

Link only looks up at the arrogant bird flying to Vah Medoh, as the screen goes black.

"How rude!" everyone thought. Tho Link looked like he didn't really care for the bird's antics. Suddenly a loud voice could be heard, "Revali! I have expected every champion to get along while you are working together. I will tolerate no more of this behavior from you, we have more serious matters at hand like Calamity Ganon. I expect this behavior problem to be taken care of soon or I will find a new pilot of Vah Medoh. Am I understood?"

Revali swallowed back a choke, "Y-yes sir it won't happen again." He hated the thought of losing being the pilot of Vah Medoh.

"Now your highness, there won't be a need for threatening him. I can assure you that it won't be a problem in the future." Delilah stated. "Let's just get on with the next video."


Sorry, that took so long to come out. It has been a very stressful few weeks for me and I had no inspiration for this book. I will try my hardest to start posting more often but for now, have a good day.

Have a lovely day my hatchlings.


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