Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"Steph," I turn over and open my eyes, "What is it?"

It's cold. The tip of my nose is numb and I can feel moisture on my lip from my breath. I sit upright when I realize that I'm not in bed. I'm in the forest. Sodden leave and twigs shift underneath my frozen fingertips.

A voice deep in the woods whispers my name.


Nothing. No sound comes from the pines. I crawl onto my feet and look over my shoulder. I'm not far from my backyard—only a mile into the thick tree cover.

My surroundings are bathed in moonlight. Above, the moon glares down on me, as bright as the sun. I shield my sensitive eyes from it and glance around. I need to find the path that will take me back home.

Something snaps behind me. The bushes rustle and the birds scatter.

I squeeze my eyes shut and grip the ground beneath my palms. Instinctually, I want to keep as still as possible. I want to hide my head under my arms and pretend that I'm someplace else—that I'm not in the very forest that my sister had grown petrified of.

The wind carries my name on it. Amelia. Amelia. Amelia.

"Who-Who's there?"


I jump up to my feet and whimper, "Who's there!"

Ameliaaa. Ameliaaaa. Amelia.

The wind stops. The crickets and the sound of the night ceases. There is no noise other than the sound of my pattering heart.

"Amelia!" I whip around but she's not there. No one is. "Run."

I gasp when I feel myself being yanked in a direction. I have no choice but follow. The bushes and trees rumble behind me—my name is trapped between the teeth of a garbling form. Amelia! Amelia!

The invisible force lets me go. I crash into water and splash rainwater over my nightgown. The icy water bites into my knuckles and skin. A puddle...wait a minute.

I look around and recognize the place immediately. This is the place where Steph had showed me that image in the water. I only confirm it when I spot the mugwort surrounding me and the puddle.

Why am I here?

The forest awakens. I crawl hastily away as a giant mass of shadows whip past me. That isn't Stephanie.

Ameliaaa. My name drags out in a long, mangled groan.

I can't look away from it as the creature emerges into the cascading moonlight. A wolf. A hulking beast that makes a Great Dane look like a puppy. I have never seen fur so black—darker than obsidian.

Amelia? Its nostrils twitch but it doesn't look at me. He turns his head from side to side but...he can't see me.

I sink into the water as the wolf turns around and heads back into the forest. I have no idea what—

Found you.

An identical black wolf erupts from the bushes. It snarls and whips its head around. Unlike the last wolf...this one knows that I am here. He holds himself close to the ground and stalks closer to the puddle. Its jaws curl up in a twisted grin-like fashion.

"Go away..." I whisper and cradle my head. "Go away. Go away. Go—"

Sounds of splashing draws my attention momentarily from the wolves. The water ripples with disturbance even though I don't move. I lean over and peer closer, despite everything in my mind telling me not to.

Upon closer inspection, I realize that this puddle is deeper than I thought. It' a hole in the ground. The water ripples again...

A pale hand reaches from the surface. It curls around my shoulder and pulls me down. I scream as the forest disappears and I'm dragged down into the darkness.

Sinking. Dragging. I move further away from the surface where the moonlight shines down. I fight the hand, but it disappears just as I unclamp its fingers from my body. But it doesn't matter how hard I kick, I can't surface.

My lungs scream for air and my mouth instinctually opens. My lungs fill with water. Rainwater and panic pour into me, and I thrash violently to expel it from my body. I gasp and choke down more, screaming and kicking as hard as I can to reach the surface.

As if a weight was tied to my feet...I only sink.

The last thing I see is the white light of the moon, shining down on my arms as they hang lifelessly in front of me. My bracelet...the one that my father had given to me and Steph when we graduated elementary school...the glare of the moonlight on it blinds me as my heart slows down and I fade away.

I open my eyes and find myself in bed again. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up and reach for my glass of water. This is the first time in a long time that I can remember a dream. How scary...

The wind whistles against my window. My heart still races from moments ago. I don't feel safe in this house anymore, not since Steph's death and not since that man broke into her room. Quickly scurrying out of my bed, I lock my bedroom door and stand there very quietly. If I listen carefully...will I hear something?


Nothing. The house is silent. The only noise is from outside. I sigh and head back to bed—I'm just feeling rattled from my bad dream.


"What the..." I look down at my feet and realize I'm standing in water. In fact, my floor is speckled with small puddles as if someone has walked in with wet feet.

I slowly look down at my dress in horror. It's dirtied with mud and leaves. I'm dripping from head to toe.


I turn towards the voice, but again no one is there. It's only my bed.

"Oh...shit," I move away until my back hits the opposite wall.

Beside the pillow lies the man's toothed necklace.

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