Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

He's staring at me. The black wolf. It lays its head on my lap and watches me with bright, amber eyes. I'm too terrified to move.

The wolf stiffens and turns its head to the forest. I jerk my head up and follow its gaze. We sit in a large clearing that I have never seen before. It's close to home though—I can see the mountains that are visible from my house.

"What have you seen?" For a moment I think it might be the other wolf.

But it's a woman. She has olive skin and an Indian complexion. Her hair is loose and is carried by the wind in lengthy, ebony waves. Her eyes shine a golden-green color. They're jarring—like she see through every space and crevice in time itself. She directs that weaponized gaze at the wolf.

"She is close?" She whispers softly. The wolf growls angrily and I jump away. The woman also takes a step back but she doesn't seem too bothered by the animal. She glances around the clearing. "Her time will come. Just as her sister's has."

The black wolf whines and follows me as I step away. It nearly knocks me over as it brushes up against me. I hug myself tightly and shut my eyes. I want to wake up.

Who is this woman? Why does this feel so real?

The wolf begins to panic as I draw away from him, and he leaps on top of me. His massive paws knock me down and I scream as he stands over me. Those amber eyes pierce my soul, and I hear my name echo in my head in a deep, rumbling growl.



I jump and glance at Dorothy. She's reaching for the hose in my hand, and I realize that I've overwatered the plants. I scramble to turn off the water and apologize profusely. Thankfully they are only the ferns and can handle a bit more water than usual. I run a hand over my eyes and try to wake up.

"It's okay, dear. But are you alright? You seemed to be in a bit of a daze there."

"I'm fine," I blush bright red at my clumsiness.

Dorothy points over to the garden shed-converted-office, "We have a couple of youngsters that were looking for some herbs. Would you mind helping them?"

I nod and head off with her. At this time of the year, Dorothy is busy trying to make ends meet and pay the annual costs. Normally, the nursery did fine even through the Fall. But Dorothy's husband, Phil, had been diagnosed with cancer two years ago. They had managed to catch it in time to treat it, but the medical bills have racked up to the point where every penny count.

As I round the corner to the entrance, I stop dead in my tracks. I spot Rachel's red hair. She's bent over and admiring an arum lily.

"H-Hi!" Rachel stammers when she recognizes me.

"I'll leave you to it," Dorothy slips inside and shuts the door behind her.

I don't say anything, too mortified to think of something. She quickly composes herself and stands up with a bright smile.

"Hey, Amelia," She speaks as if she's forgotten that I'm the dead girl's sister, "I'm...I'm really sorry about the other day in the library. I didn't know how to react, and you dashed off before I could say anything."

I nod, unsure how to respond. She's a sweet girl and I like her...but I hate that she knows. I hate that everyone knows and look at me like I'm a glass ball rolling on the edge of a countertop.

"I heard about your sister. I'm sorry—I know what it's like to lose family," She smiles at me uncomfortably, "But I hope you'd swing by the library soon. I want to get to know y—"

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now