Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Her words stay with me, even as I sit down with Jace's family later that evening. Rachel and Jace argue over the last piece of steak, and Aiden eats it when they aren't watching. I can't concentrate though—can't be present in the moment like I should have been, considering that these moments would be gone within the next few years.

Mallory had said there is no point, and she is right. My fate is sealed. Still, I'm surprised by how easily she accepts it. She and the healers are very much like that—callous to the trouble and pain of life. Is that what I'm going to become like—muted to the small things, because there are far greater problems and situations to deal with?

The thought of sacrificing my life for the next few years to train is a lot. I know that it is needed, especially if I'm going to avenge Stephanie. But just how much is I having to give up?

"What did Alpha say?" Aiden's voice cuts through my troubled mind. I look up at him and he gestures at me and Jace, "The fight—what did Mira say?"

"She's not doing anything. We fought in the forest." He doesn't look surprised, and I wonder if he had asked just to pull me out of my thoughts. "Has there's Natalia?"

The silence is thick, but Jace is the one who answers me, "She's doing good. I think she was more shocked than anything else—"

"Yeah, like the rest of us," Rachel grabs my hand with a wide grin, "Girl, I was wondering where all that kickass instinct was coming from the other day at the fights. I love you, Amelia, but you never came across as a fighter."

"Rach," Jace growls, eyes flashing at her even though I don't take any offense.

The sound of the door opening catches all of our attention. Camilla walks inside with an older woman beside her. I assume it is her mother—she has the same hazel eyes and ebony hair as Camilla but is a few inches shorter.

"Buenas noches," The woman smiles at us all with closed lips. "Quería conocer a Amelia."

Aiden stands up and wraps his arms around her with a hearty laugh, "Buenas noches, Nicole. Entra!" He looked back at me, "Esta es Amelia."

Nicole steps towards me, eyes flicking up and down me as I stand up. She has a small, inquisitive smile to her lips, and she nods at Aiden happily. I seem to surprise her when I stick my hand out and grasp her forearm.

"Encantada," I smile back with the same close-mouthed smile as her.

She looks between Aiden and I with a surprised expression, "Ella puede hablar español?"

I answer for him, "My mother is Puerto Rican. She spoke to me and my sister in Spanish when we were little."

Aiden is speechless as Camilla exclaims, "You're telling me that you've understood the Beta's insults this entire time! Why didn't you say something?"

I clear my throat as my face goes bright red, "I just...don't speak it often since my parents are away a lot. It was just Steph and I who spoke to one another, but it was just easier speaking English because of school and dance."

They are all having a good laugh over it and chide me for hiding my bilingualism for so long. I glance over at Jace, who has been very quiet since Nicole and Camilla had walked in. I'm surprised to see that his face is as blazing red as mine.

He must be realizing that I understood all the sweet things he would whisper in my ear in Spanish.

We wrap dinner up and have coffee with Camilla and her mom for a while after. I learn that they are one of the original families from when Breccia first formed, and that Camilla's dad is a cop like Abel.

After I catch them up on my own heritage—or at least the parts I can divulge and understood myself—I get ready to leave. Jace jumps to his feet and grabs his car keys.

"Thanks for giving me a ride home," I smile as we walk towards his car. It's still parked by Mallory's hut from earlier that day.

"Wasn't like I was going to let you walk home," He's quiet as he adds, "Though I guess it's not terrible on all fours."

I look over at him and try to decipher what he is thinking. I'm having a hard enough time trying to process the fact that I can shift—it is a mystery to how Jace would feel about it. I definitely thought that he would ecstatic. He is the one who had admitted to me that it is a problem that I couldn't shift.

"I'll be sure to give you your clothes back once I've washed them," I test the waters, "Or keep them."


I sigh loudly, "Jace—what's wrong?"

He doesn't seem to expect the frustration in my tone, "I just...I'm beginning to realize that I don't know that much about you..."

I'm pleasantly surprised. He won't look at me and that bashful, red tint to his cheeks returns as he ducks his head. I grab his hand and stop us both in our tracks.

"I feel the same," I step up to him. He waits for me to continue, his forehead crinkled in worry. Like I'm going to say something he is afraid to hear. But it disappears as I smile and say, "I want to get to know you better. Not just the Wolf side, but you. Jace Alvaro-Breccia."

His grin stretches so wide that his dimples appear. I melt, and he chuckles, "Same here."

I laugh as he gives me a soft peck on the forehead but grows quiet as his hands run down the sides of me. Those lips find mine, but not before forging a trail of kisses down my cheekbone. I taste his mouth, prodding it open with my tongue. He mumbles something, but all I can feel is the vibration of his chest against my palms.

When we break apart, he whispers, "It's Jaceson Nataniel Alvaro-Breccia."

"Brittany," I say with an unrestrained grin. He snorts but then tries to straighten his face again, "Amelia Brittany Kenzington."

His fingers are buried in my hair, mouth hovering over mine, "Amelia Brittany Kenzington-Breccia."

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