Chapter 12

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Media Citation: We Heart It. We Heart It.

Chapter 12

I stand up as the curtain closes. Young-Jae winks at me as we all scatter into the wings of backstage, thunderous applause of the audience following us. It's the second to last night of Giselle and we have finished the final act.

"I need pizza!" He groans as we walk towards the dressing rooms, "Wanna get after we finish up here?"

I watch as the lead roles all scamper towards the lobby to greet their adoring fans. I so badly wanted to be Giselle in my winter show but missed so much that my understudy took my spot. Still, I'm grateful that I had been allowed to participate as an ensemble member.

"Hello," Young-Jae waves his hand in front of my face.

"Pizza!" I grin, "Yeah—sure. Invite the others!"

"Duh!" He chuckles as he slides into his dressing room.

I shut the door behind me and change out of my costume with the other ensemble girls. They are all chanting away to a song from My Fair Lady. Most of them are sophomores and juniors—there is only another senior girl like me—since most seniors have transferred to dance academies to pursue a ballet career.

I finish packing my stuff, "Pizza at the Old Road Diner! Young-Jae is bringing his boy toys."

I shut the door as they all squeal, grinning widely. Knocking on the boys' dressing room door, I press my ear against it when I don't hear anything, "Young-Jae? You decent?"

I open the door and breathe a sigh relief when I see that there are no boys changing. But Young-Jae isn't there either. I'm just about to turn around when I feel someone pull my wrist and haul me inside.

"Jace!" I exclaim as he presses me against the shut door. He's smirking and braces his arm above my head, "How did you get backstage?"

"You looked amazing tonight," His words make my face flush. He leans down and presses a kiss against my cheek, "I couldn't take my eyes off you for a second."

"Thank you," I catch his hand in mine. My heart is thudding against my chest as his thighs push against mine.

He's been visiting me frequently in the past week. It's still strange to wrap my head around what he told me about the connection we shared. It sounds unbelievable but I also can't deny the feeling I get when he's around. It's like he's the only thing I can focus on—and I know it's the same for him.

Still, there's a barrier between us too. For all there is an unbearable pull towards one another, I can sense that he's keeping his distance. He's still hiding things from me, and I'm hoping that it's because he's easing me into his crazy world.

When I asked about his ability, he only answered in vague answers. Rachel, Abe, Young-Jae, and the others in his family know about what Jace is. He's very careful in not answering whether they are like him or not. In fact, he's been quite insistent that he is the only Wolf in the area. He doesn't know anything about the man who had attacked me—though he hasn't denied that he is a Wolf and that he exists.

As he and the other man had shown me, Wolves can shift whenever and wherever. They share their bodies with a wolf that from what it sounds like, is like a spirit guide. I'm not quite sure how it all works. Jace has insinuated that it's genetic, but he can't tell me why we are 'mates'. To his understanding, humans can't be mated to a Wolf, but he's also said that there is a first for everything.

He had to make a hasty escape before he could elaborate more, and we haven't spoken much about it since.

"You going home after this?" He murmurs, grinning as he flicks my bun, "Wash all that gel out?"

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz