Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Richard's arms consume me. I sink into his arms as my parents hug his parents goodbye. We've just been over to discuss me participating in dance again, and thankfully they have decided to pull some strings for me. I'll lose my position as any future leads but I'm more than happy to dance ensemble.

"It's been great seeing you again," He smiles, "We only ever see each other in school now."

"We'll hang out soon," I promise, "I've just been sorting out a lot of stuff."

"Take your time. I'll be waiting."

His cheeks are pink as we leave, waving as we pull out of their suburban driveway. My mom turns around and grins.

"He likes you, baby."

I roll my eyes, "Ma—I have a boyfriend."

"Who?" My dad asks sharply. "Is he the one who's been getting you up to no good?"

"No...Jace..." I says slowly, "Detective Abel introduced us at...Steph's funeral. He goes to the same school as me."

"Oh? Is he a senior too?" My mom smiles at me.

"He's a junior."

My dad packs out laughing but says nothing more. When we get home, I go off to walk in the forest. They don't ask any questions. After a long, hard talk the night before, I made it clear that I don't need them to coddle me when they choose to. They've also decided to take a break from traveling for business and stay at home with me until I graduate.

It's sweet and I appreciate it a lot. But I can't help but wish that it hadn't taken Steph to die and for me to have a breakdown for them to change.

I reach the lake. Its surface is still and looks like a massive mirror that has been place in the center of the glade. I sit down on the log that stretches out into the middle of the water, acting like a dock.

The water is cool and refreshing against my ankles as I hang my feet off the side. Everything is calm, but I feel a lot like the water. Still and tranquil, but the smallest movement will cause massive ripples. I can't lose control like I did last time.

As I fish the herbs that Mallory had given me from my coat, I stare at them with silent reservation. I can admit it to myself now that I'm alone.

"I had wanted to kill him," I blink as the tears flow freely down my cheeks. What does it make me? Am I a bad person...or is this what it means to be a Wolf?

Whatever the answer is, I know that my self-control has gone downhill after Marking Orion. He's the catalyst.

I take a handful of the herbs and roll them into a ball. It's a moist mix, like horse feed that has been mixed with molasses. Mallory said that I can just eat it a small ball once a day and should feel the effects immediately.

Lifting the ball to my lips, I try to ignore the awful smell that comes from it. Like the strong scent of copper or metal. It's enough to make me gag and make my eyes water.

"Don't!" A small hand smacks away the herbs. I watch as the bag and the herbs fell into the water, quickly sinking and bubbling.

I take a moment to look up at Eamonn, feeling my entire body envelope in rage. When I do, he backs away, "What did you just do?"

"You can't eat them," He stumbles over his word, "I...I dreamt of what she said to you—your Healer. She's poisoning your Guide."

"What—No, Mallory wouldn't do that."

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now