Chapter 33

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A/N: Thanks so much to everyone following the story! Be sure to like the chapter! Help a girl out!

Chapter 33

I only realize when we're all going through the warm-up rounds that Palus is here too. It surprises me because I thought Breccia and Palus aren't on good terms, but perhaps that's exactly why they have been invited. I notice Mira cozying up to the Palus Alpha, Kieran, much better.

The girl I'm currently paired with is a fair match. A few months ago, and she would have handed my ass to me. But I take her down easily, holding her down in the sand until she finally stops squirming and taps out.

We shake hands after, though she doesn't seem too happy to be beaten. None of the Palus Wolves do, though the Breccians are all too thrilled with me taking down another Wolf.

Rachel picks me up and spins me around, "Fourth win! Amelia, what the hell were you so nervous about?"

I don't say anything, just pat her cheek and blush furiously. We watch as the final battles finish up. Natalia is facing off one of the Diurnal females, and Jace is up against a Palus male.

Rachel howls as Jace lands a punch on the guy he's facing, which finishes him. The Wolf falls to the ground, knocked out, and we all erupt into cheer. He turns around and grins widely, blood pinkening his teeth.

"You are so lucky," Young-Jae murmurs in my ear, bursting into laughter when I do, "Just look at that ass. It's perfect."

"Eyes off the merchandise," I wink just as Jace sweeps me up into his arms. I run a thumb over his bottom lip, wiping away the blood from his split lip, "Well done."

He holds me against him as they announce the new pairings.

Mira's voice echoes through the bodies of Wolves, chasing all the birds away, "This is the first round that counts." We all lean forward as she smirks at her male counterparts, "Because contrary to belief, this is a competition."

Wolves everywhere begins to howl in agreement, and I'm overwhelmed by the volume of their community. Despite being in different packs, and constantly sparring with one another, these Wolves are a lot more connected that they seem to realize.

Ilya steps beside Mira to announce the next round of fights. Rachel goes off to find her ring. Jace is called off too. Soon, everyone is finding their ring and I am left standing alone.

"Amelia Kenzington...ring seventeen" Ilya looks over at the other Alphas. They only stand still, watching me as I move toward the ring.

Jace is standing in it, taking a step back as I enter. We both look up at Mira, who just nods. I stop a couple feet from Jace, jaw set as nervous energy ticks through me.

"Well I can't say I'm surprised," I watch his stance.

"You just had to piss of the Alphas."

"Don't you dare go easy on me," I smile at him, "Okay—maybe a little."

The bell rings and everyone begins. Jace stands across from me, uncertain as I begin towards him. He steps to the side as I swing at him, grabbing at my hands the moment I pass him. I jump up and twist around, feet digging into his gut. He winces but grabs my legs without hesitation, dragging me toward him.

I use his momentum and throw all my weight towards my toes, forcing him to lose grip of my ankles. I roll into the sand, and narrowly dodge Jace as he throws himself toward me. He laughs loudly as I scramble backwards like a crab, and I bite back my own grin.

"Concentrate!" Aiden yells at the two of us, "Take this seriously!"

I catch Jace's fist and twist it. He anticipates it and throws me over his shoulder, knocking the wind out of me as I hit the ground. He throws himself at me again, but I kick him in the gut before he can land. He coughs and I launch myself at him with no hesitation.

Fists and feet go flying, and we fight and evade for a minute before I'm completely out of breath. He grins and goes in for the kill, smacking away my hands and grabbing ahold of them tightly.

I struggle against him but eventually give up, looking up at his smoldering gaze. In his grip and now face-to-face, we both hesitate. He can easily knock me out, and I can spit in his face or distract him. I blow a strand of hair from my face, and he draws me closer.

I shut my eyes as he kisses my fists and then my eyelids, whispering to me softly, "Bueno hecho, mi alma." Well done, my soul.

A reply leaves my lips, but he captures it with his hungry lips. I wrap my legs around his hips, and his grip tightens around my wrists. His other hand cups my ass, pressing me flush against him. I whine against him, the sound ricocheting from my chest to his.

"Por el amor de Dios..." Aiden curses as he pinches his nose.

The bell rings as I open my eyes, heavy-lidded and dazed. Jace kisses my lips chastely and then all over my face until I burst out laughing.

"Who won?" He calls out to the Alphas with a shit-eating grin. They all pointedly ignore him, and we both laugh.

"Quite the show, you two," Rachel limps towards us as we exit our ring, "You distracted my opponent enough to let me get the upper hand."

"You're welcome," I wink as I spread my hand across Jace's chest.

I look around and realize that most of the Wolves around us are watching me. Their stares make me self-conscious, and I tuck myself into Jace's side.

"They're all wondering how a pre-shifter is beating them," Dom smirks, waving as a group of girls pass us. They study me carefully, brows knitted together.

There isn't a place I look where I don't meet someone's eyes. Suddenly, I feel like I had during my first ballet solo. Nervous energy crawls through me and I have to keep swallowing down the urge to run away.

This continues throughout the day, and only worsens as I continue to win. Everyone is shocked by this point, and even I'm surprised. I hadn't expected to make it this far and am mostly unscathed. A couple of nasty bruises, but nothing serious.

The Wolf inside me just keeps surging forward. She seems able to take more hits than I ever thought I could, and pushes me back on my feet whenever we get knocked down.

Aiden is beyond pleased, clapping as I step out of the ring. The girl in my ring limps out with the help of one of her friends, nodding at me when I apologize again.

The Wolf only licks her lips and demands for her next opponent.

"Keep going like this and you might be back in Mira's favor," He grins, gathering me in his arms. I'm so shocked that I don't get the chance to hug him back, and then he's off to track down Rachel.

"Ring two, Amelia Kenzington," The Palus Alpha calls out, "Along with George King-Palus. Ring three—Natalia Belliveau-Breccia and Blaine MacKenna-Diurnal."

I step into the second ring, glancing over at Natalia. She rolls her head from side to side, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her face is battered up, but I know there's a lot of fight in her. She won't go down.

Glancing to the other side of the arena, my jaw drops open as I realize that Blaine MacKenna-Diurnal is Mac, Adrian's Beta. He doesn't have a scrape on him and nods coolly at Natalia.

"I was hoping we'd fight today."

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