Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"Exorcisms and love," I fix Mallory a look, "Do Wolves get possessed?"

"It can happen but we're mostly vulnerable to our Guides overtaking our bodies. Sometimes lilac is used in a ritual to help strengthen our skin side. I've heard of spirits possessing Prophets and Healers but never personally witnessed it. Dandelions?"

"Calling upon spirits, wishing...seeing the future?" I search for the term for a moment, smiling when I recall it, "Divination."

"Good. What about smudging?"

"Smudging is cleansing aura of oneself or an object using herbs," My eyes are shut as I regurgitate what I've studied the past weeks, "The most common herbs used are sage, lavender, rosemary, and bay leaves."

"Any other herbs you can use?"

"Cloves. Cinnamon...Dill and..." After a moment, I come blank and look at her for help.

"Ginger," She answers, "You forgot that one last time as well—so be sure to write it on your forehead or something. But other than that, you did a fantastic job."

I stretch my legs out and fold my chest flush against my knees, "Is there a herb that can help remembering?"

"Ginseng," She gathers her scrying bowl and fills it with water, "But you should know that already. We studied about it two weeks ago."

The urge to stick my bottom lip out and pout is there, but I'm too tired. Instead, I rest my head against my legs and take a deep breath. I let my eyes flutter shut and instantly feel my brain drift off to sleep.

"Are you still having problems sleeping?"

"Does it count as sleeping if you keep dreaming and having visions," I groan, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I go through periods where I won't have one for days or weeks, but then they will come back at full force. I can't sleep and when I can't sleep, I start having them awake."

She mulls over my words, swirling her finger on the surface of the water, "I've been thinking about that a lot lately...normally The Order would teach you how to control your visions. It takes a toll on the lycanthrope since your spiritual powers are more far-reaching than the regular Wolf."

I fish my scrying bowl out of my bag. I wash it down and fill it like Mallory has shown me as she continues to speak.

"But you're not ready for The Order. Most lycans are groomed to be sent there to train from birth—whereas you've only just discovered the truth about yourself and your path."

"So I just have to struggle through it?"

"It's like everything I tell you goes in one ear and out the other," She rolls her eyes, "Lycans are still Wolves, and if a Wolf allows their Guide to run never bodes well. Werewolves have to constantly fight their fur side for dominance, and so do the lycanthrope—you can't let your visions control you. It'll drive you to insanity."

I sit down in front of her, setting the bowl in front of me. I peer into it, staring into the water's reflection. I stare back through my reflection, which seems to have a never-ending symmetry to it. I stare into the reflection which stares back at me which I stare at and so forth.

Mallory watches me as I become slowly entranced in the way my eyes flicker, swirling and glimmering dimly.

"I'm going to teach you how to manage your powers. It won't be as comprehensive and you'll still have plenty to learn when we finally send you to The Order...but this will do for now."

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant