Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I slam the door in his face, but he's quicker than I am. His body shunts the door open and throws me to the floor.

"You still have the sense to be scared of me," He tower over me, shadows cast over his face, "Good."

His foot comes down on me knee, twisting it violently. I scream and try to crawl away, but he grabs me by my hair before I can blink. Slamming me against the wall, he knocks the wind from my lungs.

"Fuck you," I wheeze, but regret it the moment his knee connects with my gut. I splutter and try to blink the tears that gather in my eyes.

"So she speaks," He grabs my chin and wipes my eyes with his thumb. He stares at me quietly, his frown deep and the yellow fading momentarily from his gaze, "You're there. I know you are, Iphigenia."

I shriek as his lips crash onto mine. His tongue and his teeth explore every crevice of my mouth and I recoil. His fingers encircle around my wrist and I stiffen in fright, until I hear something unclasp. The silver bracelet.

It falls to the ground and he pulls back. I try not to cry as he studies me. His lips are bloody. He doesn't seem to find what he's looking for, because he growls in irritation.

"We're doing this the hard way, I see."

His hand slips down and tightens around my throat. I splutter, eyes wide and hands scratching at his. He doesn't flinch as I kick and thrash against him. My mind races and I scream futilely.

Doing this. He means Marking me.

Just as my vision fades and black speckles invade my sight, I feel him wrench my head to the side. My collar is torn back, and I feel sharp prickles against my collarbone. Teeth.

"We're going to hide you away where The Moon can't find you. And when the time is right then we'll finish this once and for all," He chuckles, "I think you're just as tired as I am, Iphigenia. You need a bit more persuading this time, don't you? But you know you can't resist me—you never have been—"

Orion doesn't realize until it's too late, and I jab my athame through him. He lurches forward, his grip loosens on my throat. Hekate's words echo through my head—I understand them fully now as I wrench his head to the side.

His whole body stiffens as I crawl over him. My jaw cramps up and I feel my teeth sharpen. My body breaks into a sweat as I clamp my jaw down on his neck, sinking my teeth in with a finality. His breathing hitches and he lies uselessly underneath me.

Do it first. She had said. Mark him first.

My eyes shut tightly as I feel my being wrap around his conscience. All the hatred and malice and evil—the thoughts and emotions. We're both frozen like stone as the connection between us becomes clearer. The static disappears as I invade him.

"You little bitch," He hisses as I pull away.

"Like I said," I pant for air as I wipe my mouth, "Fuck you."

I know he's going to lunge for me before he even knows, and I dodge him with ease. He growls in frustration, hand covering the Mark I've left. His pupils explode and his skin shivers as his fingers brush against the tooth marks. But we both stare at each other with hatred. He wants to hurt me just as much as I want him dead.

"Amelia—one," That awful, unhinged grin returns to his face, "But I'm still winning. I've been centuries ahead of you, girl."

He shifts and jumps through the door just in time to escape Jace's hands. Their gazes meet and each freeze momentarily, studying the other. And then Orion is gone, his presence drifting further and further into the forest.

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