Chapter 13

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Media Citation: simfavjl. "Portrait by Simone Favale / 500px: Person Photography, Portrait Photography Men, Dark Fantasy Photography." Pinterest, 31 Jan. 2021,

Chapter 13

He has his back to me, crouched over a bloody body. His shoulders are hunched over, and he screams like he's breaking. I cover my ears, but his agony is stuck in my head.

"Save him."

I turn to see a small-framed woman facing at me. She has freckles all over her. Her face is framed by white-blond hair, and piercing blue eyes stare back at me. Tears stream down her face as she turns to the crumpled man. Her bottom lip quivers and she breathes in sharply.

"It's not his fault," She whispers to me, her hands folding over her swollen belly. I blink and it disappears. She vanishes, only to reappear standing at the man's shoulder. He cradles a small newborn in his arms, hushing the wailing little creature.

From the bushes, a sandy-colored wolf appears, approaching the man without any restraint. She sniffs the child before she licks the man's hands, her tail wagging. Soft whines come from her throat and he wraps his arm around her, setting the baby down on the ground for her to see.

The wolf lies down and curls her body around the swaddled infant, resting her head on the man's lap. He lays a hand on her head and they stare at one another.

It's the man from the docks...the Irish giant. Adrian.

"You've seen enough," The young girl is beside me again. She can't look at me anymore, only at the small family before us, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for wh—" I feel an invisible blade jab into my chest and I fall to the ground with a loud thump.

+ + +

My eyes are heavy as I slam the locker shut. It's nearly the end of the day and I have one more class before I can go home. I haven't slept since the dream I had about Adrian and his partner. I can't get his screams from my head or the memory of the blade slicing through my skin like it was paper.

I turn around and unlock my locker again, staring at the book I'm currently reading. Steph had written all about dreams in this book, about something she called scrying. Visions. It's a method of viewing people or past events using a reflective object like water or a mirror. I haven't gotten far in the book but it's the closest thing I have to explain what I'm going through.

But these diaries aren't about personal things. They aren't hinting towards anything that can give me a clue as to why she had died. It's frustrating, like I'm walking in circles.

I feel someone approaching me and turn to see Rachel, "Hey, Amelia."

"Hey," I smile as she hugs me. Her red hair is pulled back in a retro-styled updo, and she's wearing a cute dress and flats. "You look really nice."

"Oh, thanks! Yeah, I get to dress up for school. At home, it's all work."

"Sounds tough," I wince in sympathy. She shrugs and I smile, "What did you wanna talk to me about?"

"I was wondering how you were doing!"

"I'm good. Just trying to get through the day," I yawned, "I'm so tired."

"So," She grins, "You and Jace have spoken?"

I nod, "Yeah, a little."

She's about to respond when she spins around. I follow her gaze and see Jace enter the building. She heard him over the noise of passing period, which I find surprising. I would have given it more thought but don't as Jace approaches us. His eyes seem to be glowing brighter today, his hair is gelled back unlike the last time I saw him. He must also work a lot at home, like Rachel.

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