Part 21

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I woke up on Friday morning, practically giddy with excitement. It was only one more day until the launch party.

I knew that I was probably going to be working the whole time, but this is the most exciting thing that has happened since I started working for Mr Knight. And since the last couple of weeks were uneventful, I really needed something like this to look forward to.

I opened my closet and pulled out the dress again, gliding my hand over the fabric for what felt like the hundredth time. It was truly a magnificent dress.

Julie came into the room and saw me standing by the closet.

"Close the door, quickly!" I said in hushed tones.

Julie immediately shut the door behind her.

"Why the secrecy, Lizzie?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me in confusion.

"I want to show you something, but I want to avoid mother hearing or seeing anything until it cannot be avoided any longer."

If she gets a whiff of the expensive fabric I will never hear the end of it. The concept of a professional, working relationship was completely foreign to her. As far as she was concerned, nearly any relationship with the opposite sex was to result in some sort of romantic attachment in due time. 

So, if she sees this dress, she will read the completely wrong message from it. She'll have my wedding planned before the launch party has even commenced.

"Oh, of course, I understand." Julie made her way over to me with a knowing smile.

As soon as she was next to me, she could see the dress in its full splendour.

"This might be the most beautiful dress I have ever laid my eyes on. Is this for that launch party?" Julie's eyes were trailing over the fabric in admiration.

"Yes, I can't help pulling it out every so often just to look at it."

"This must have cost a fortune..."

"Yes, I don't even want to think too much about it. I'd hardly be able to wear it tomorrow if I kept the price tag in mind." I gave one last glance at the dress before putting it away.

"It's very generous of Mr Knight to buy you a dress for the event." Julie sat on the bed and watched as I started rummaging through my closet for something to wear to work.

"Julie, I can guarantee you that generosity had nothing to do with it. In his eyes, I am his employee and everything he does is to benefit his company. Buying me a dress and some shoes is all part of projecting a certain image of Knight Inc." I said as I slipped into a black dress and heels.

Julie frowned at that.

"I find it hard to believe that his motives are aimed purely at financial gain."

"That's because you are incapable of thinking ill of anybody," I said with a teasing smile.

Julie just shook her head at that.


I spent the entirety of the day making phone calls to the planner to ensure that everything was proceeding without any hiccups for the launch tomorrow.

Mr Knight was in meetings throughout the day and normally I would join him to notarize everything, but his anal, perfectionistic nature meant that he wouldn't be happy until I triple checked everything. So that's what I did.

Decorations? Check.

Catering? Check.

Entertainment? Check.

Irritating the hell out of the event planner? Double-check.

By six o'clock I was finished with everything including my duties for the day. And since Mr Knight had not come back yet and didn't say anything to the contrary, I made my way to the parking lot (I had the car for today) and drove to the gym.


I got home at eight o'clock and went straight upstairs.

When I entered the bedroom, I saw a huge pile of clothes on the floor with Julie hunched over inside the closet.

" okay there?"

I heard a thud from inside the closet and Julie yelped. She emerged with hangers of clothing falling all around her. 

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just looking for something."

I looked at the mess on the floor and then back at her in amusement.

"I can see that. Anything I can help you with?"

A small smile spread onto Julie's face.

"I'm looking for a dress..." She trailed off.

"Uh-huh, what kind of dress?" I cocked an eyebrow at her.

It was very unlike her to be stressing out about what she wore (which she clearly was right now). Don't get me wrong, she always looked stunning in whatever she wore. She had an effortless beauty about her.

"Well... I sort of came to your office today to surprise you for lunch. And I ran into Ian and we went to get coffee." She rushed out, blushing.

"You did? That's great! I knew it, he's so in love with you!" I gushed.

Julie blushed profusely.

"He's not in love with me, we just went for coffee and he kind of asked me to go to the launch party with him tomorrow night." Julie smiled.

"Oh, well if that doesn't prove that he's completely smitten with you, then I know nothing about men!" I said bumping her shoulder playfully with my own.

"So that's why your whole closet is splayed out on the floor?" I started putting two and two together.

"Yes and I don't mean to sound like a complete girl, but I have nothing to wear. I have a few sundresses that I bought while I was overseas but judging from what you're wearing, I'll be ridiculously underdressed." She glanced helplessly at the clothes on the floor.

"I think I might be able to help you with that." I walked over and opened up my closet.

I moved a few hangers from one side of the closet to the other until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out the dress and held it in the air in front of me for Julie to see.

"Oh, that's beautiful Lizzie!" Julie came over and took the dress from me.

It was a floor-length, light pink, satin dress.

"I wore it to a university dance once, but you're welcome to wear it tomorrow." 

Julie engulfed me in a hug, the dress now swishing behind my back.

"Oh, thank you, Lizzie!" 

I laughed at her.

"Of course, any time. Now don't go suffocating me in this hug, but there is a matching pair of shoes and a clutch that goes with the dress."

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