Part 8

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I moved my head from side to side, trying to get rid of the kink that has formed at the back of my neck. I could see the sun setting through the large windows in Mr Knight's office. 

The files had taken as long to work through as I had anticipated. I was slouched to the side, leaning with my weight over the armrest. At the beginning of this task, I was sitting significantly more upright. But, after four hours of reading on these uncomfortable leather couches, I simply couldn't give a damn how unprofessional my posture was.

If mother could see me now she would be giving me a good scolding, not minding who was present to hear.

My eyes travelled over to Mr Knight. He was still in the same position as he was an hour ago when I last looked in his direction. His eyes were fixed on the sheet of paper in front of him, a slight crease between his eyebrows. Whatever he was looking at required a severe amount of concentration.

I wonder if this is a regular thing for him. Does he spend the majority of his evenings like this? 

That wouldn't surprise me in the least. He looks like the type of person who spends as many waking hours as possible at work.

"You may go home now." Mr Knight said, his voice startling me out of my reverie.


"I'll see you tomorrow Miss Bennett."

I rose from the couch, feeling a few new knots that formed in my back. I resisted the urge to crack my back. I started gathering the files that were splayed out on the couch and the ones on the coffee table, making a neat pile. I wish I was able to finish everything, but I still had two more files to go.

"Just leave them on the table."

Mr Knight's eyes hadn't left the paper, I doubt he was planning on making eye contact any day soon.

"Alright then, have a good evening Mr Knight." I gave a nod in his direction before placing the stack of files on the table.

I picked up my jacket from the armrest on my way to the door. The door closed with a soft click behind me.

The building was practically deserted. Could it have been that late already? It certainly didn't feel like it.

Glancing down at my watch, I noticed that contrary to how it felt, it was already eight o'clock.

I have been at the office for ten hours straight. Is this how it's always going to be working for Mr Knight? I mean, I have no problem working hard, long hours, but this seems a tad ridiculous considering I wasn't even doing anything that I would consider work. 

Alright, maybe this isn't exactly what you had in mind, but it's not that bad. You'll do this for a few months, maybe a year at most and then the doors will be open for you to get the job that you want to be doing.

I reached the elevator and pressed the button for the bottom floor. 

The lobby was just as deserted as the other floors. I called for a cab before exiting through the glass front doors. The security guard waved at me as I passed him on my way to the curb.

If anyone asked me about it later, I would deny it, but I was honestly glad that I didn't have to stand outside completely alone. It was getting dark and no matter how "safe" the neighbourhood might have seemed, I still didn't feel at ease standing in the street alone as a woman. 

Luckily I didn't have to wait too long as my cab arrived soon after that. 

After getting into the cab, I couldn't help wondering how long after I left, Mr Knight would still be working.


The cab cost roughly the same as a week's worth of groceries cost me when I was still in University.

I headed straight upstairs and quickly changed out of my work clothes and into some shorts and a T-shirt. My mind felt exhausted from concentrating all day, but I knew if I didn't spend at least 30 minutes on the treadmill I would regret it. And trust me, I did seriously consider giving it a skip. 

I jogged downstairs and grabbed the keys from the table in the entryway.

"I'm taking the Jeep!" I yelled before exiting through the front door.

I knew no one was going to go out and my father certainly wouldn't have minded that I took the car, but it still felt too weird to take it without letting anyone know. And even though my father wouldn't mind, my mother has an odd way of creating dramas whenever a possible situation arose to do so.

I drove over to our local gym and made my way to the front desk after entering through the glass front doors. It seemed that I wasn't the only one who felt like working out at half-past eight at night. Fit bodies could be seen bopping all over the place, some on treadmills, some lifting weights and others were in the middle of what seemed like a Zumba class.

"Hi there, what can I help you with?" I voice came from behind the counter.

A perky brunette with hair landing just below her chin was looking at me excitedly. She was a petite, tiny little thing but at the same time, you could tell she spends a lot of time working out and would most probably be able to kick your ass if you dared to mess with her.

"Yes, I had a gym membership here long ago and wanted to renew it," I answered, folding my arms on the counter.

"That's fantastic! We're so psyched to have you back with us again!" She bounced cheerfully.

"What will I have to do to get started?" I smiled, trying to get straight to the point but to do it as diplomatically as possible. 

"You'll just have to fill out a few forms, show proof of address, nothing much." She came out from behind the counter and started making her way over towards a poster hanging on the opposite wall. "But, first things first, let's decide on which package you're going to take."

She pointed towards the top of the chart and started rambling on about the different options they had to offer at which point I stopped paying attention. What's with all these different memberships, just let me use the equipment, I have absolutely no interest in sitting in a sauna where countless other half-clothed bodies have excreted toxins nor do I wish to grab a "delightful fruity smoothie" with a bunch of sweaty people a foot away from me. None of that sounds at all appetizing or sanitary.

" can always opt for the basic package..."

"I'll take that one." I interrupted before she had the chance to start again.

"Oh...Uhm...are you sure? You know you won't be able to make use of our VIP facilities..." She seemed a bit taken aback by my choice.

She thought she had this deal in the bag. 

"I'm aware and am completely alright with that. My exercise needs are very basic, I literally just want to be able to use the treadmill and maybe occasionally lift some weights."

"Oh, alright then." She said, sounding disappointed. 

She walked back behind the counter and pulled out a folder with a few documents for me to fill out. After I had completed the necessary paperwork, I handed everything back to her and made my way over to the nearest available treadmill. 

I placed my water bottle in the compartment, put in my earphones and started the treadmill at a steady pace, slowly increasing the speed when my body was warmed up enough.

I started running in high school when I joined the track team. It didn't take long for the running bug to bite me. I wasn't able to go running as often as I wished once I started university, as my focus was mainly on my studies then.  

Hopefully working for Mr Knigt won't keep me away from picking up the habit once more.

This was pure bliss. Nothing made me feel quite as free and alive as running did. 

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