Part 32

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I felt refreshed, invigorated even. I will never again in my life take a hot shower for granted.

I towel dried my hair before trudging over to my luggage to fish out some clothes. The same predicament as before resurfaced. 

What should I wear? The only guidance available to me was the amount of light outside. It was starting to get dark out, so the probability of us going to some business meeting at this time was highly unlikely. It would be best to dress somewhat comfortably.

I pulled out a pair of leggings and an old university hoodie, leaving my slightly damp hair to fall down my sides. If Mr Knight decided to spring an appointment of some sort on me, I'll just have to change again.

After entering my room earlier, I heard no other noise from outside apart from Mr Knight entering his room. 

I wonder what he was up to? He was probably busy working again. I'm sure his brain would combust if he went one day without checking his laptop.

At first, I felt that same uncertainty as to when I first entered the suite. Staying in my room felt like a far safer option. There was no Mr Knight in here and no possibility of a tense or otherwise awkward encounter with him.

Hunger quickly set in and I had no other option but to exit the confines of my room in search of something to eat. I opened my door as quietly as possible and tiptoed into the sitting area, silently praying that Mr Knight wouldn't hear me leaving my room. 

My stomach grumbled loudly in protest as if to remind me of my mission. As if I needed reminding.

The suite was as to be expected, a hotel suite. It had everything from extra towels, closet space and teeny tiny water bottles. Do you know what they didn't have? Food.

My mission was a failure. 

Maybe Julie left something in my luggage for me. 

No, I knew that there was nothing inside that bag except for the clothes that she packed. But maybe, just maybe there was some pieces of gum or mints or something left in there from the last time I used it. I was desperate.

I went back into my room and sat cross-legged in front of my bag. I started tossing out each item inside the bag one by one. Finally, when everything was out I could have a proper look at what was left at the bottom.

Luck seemed to be on my side today, as there was one stray piece of mint (you know, the kind that they leave at your table at a restaurant along with your bill).

"Eureka! You may have thought I had forgotten about you, but oh no. My friend, today you will fulfil your destiny." 

By the end of my speech, I was holding the mint in the air as if it was the last bit of food left on earth. 

"Please tell me you're not going to eat that." 

I twisted around so quickly that my bum was practically on fire from the friction created by the carpet.

Mr Knight was standing in my doorway, arms crossed and with one eyebrow raised. He also went the casual route tonight and I gave myself a pat on the back for my excellent deduction and therefore excellent decision-making skills with my attire. 

My eyes started travelling down his frame as if they had a mind of their own. He was wearing a relaxed tee and some sweatpants and yet still managed to look put-together somehow. This was unfair, how could he spend hours on a plane and then throw on clothes that would make anyone else look like a slob and end up looking like that. His hair was damp from his shower. He smelled good too. He smelled like tropical fruit which was not a good combination with my increasing hunger.

Stop it Elizabeth.

"And what if I am?" I challenged, taking off the wrapper from the mint. 

I studied it for a second before bringing it closer to my mouth. It wasn't the freshest piece of mint ever, that much I could tell. But if it meant that I could see that irritated and slightly confused crease set on Mr Knight's face, then it would so be worth it. I enjoyed pushing his buttons. Even though he was extremely reserved he always warranted me with some or other response. 

I saw the crease forming as expected in my peripherals.

Before I was even able to register what was happening, Mr Knight had plucked the tiny mint from my grasp.

"Hey!" I yelped, "Give me back my sustenance!" 

The hunger was setting in bad and I was convinced it had started affecting my ability to think.

Mr Knight was already walking away from me, tossing my mint in the trash can on his way out.

He walked back into the sitting area and picked up the phone.

I was standing at my door, eyes following his movements. 

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked.

What was he talking about? What was I in the mood for? What kind of question was that?

"What?" That was my highly intelligent response.

"I'm ordering room service Elizabeth. What would you like to eat?"

I could feel the heat spreading over my cheeks.

"Oh, Uhm... whatever is quickest." 

My stomach gave another loud gurgle because I hadn't embarrassed myself enough yet.

He simply nodded before talking into the receiver. And yes, you guessed it, he was speaking in German again. 

I walked hesitantly to the couch before taking a seat, not taking my eyes off Mr Knight talking to the person on the other end of the line. His eyes connected with mine and the intensity of them caused my breath to catch in my throat.

This was new territory for us. Working in an office together for over 10 hours a day I could do. Him standing here in this hotel room in sweatpants and smelling amazing, ordering food for us? I had no idea how to handle this. How do we keep things professional under these circumstances? How could I go on calling him sir after he had snatched a piece of mint out of my hand and heard me complain like a five-year-old in the process?

He put down the receiver and took a seat in one of the other couches, switching on the TV and fixing his eyes on the screen where an episode of Law and Order was playing. I was relieved to have something else to distract me.

My thoughts had moved into dangerous and unnerving territory. Just like Saturday at that launch party, I wasn't sure what to make of these boundaries that we somehow kept pushing.

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