Part 7

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I am a bloody university graduate, I've got a degree for crying out loud! 

This is demeaning, humiliating even...

I sighed as I took another step closer to the coffee machine, hoping that I will somehow figure out how to work the contraption this time around. You'd think this would come naturally to someone who likes to drink the beverage as much as I do. But no, it is simply inoperable.

"Hey, do you need some help over there?" A blonde man was leaning against the kitchen door frame.

He had on a suit like everyone else around here, but he looked ever so slightly more pressed and I could tell just by looking at him that he was way higher up in the company hierarchy than I was. Funny how much you could tell about someone just by what suit they wore.

I recognised him although I wish I didn't. He was the guy that Mr Knight was speaking to in the hallway. I hadn't paid him much attention that day but this was definitely the same person.

"No, I'm fine.." I tried to say as politely as possible.

I believe I had made enough of a fool of myself in his presence to last me a lifetime. I'm a strong independent woman, I can figure out how to work a coffee machine.

Maybe I should try to press this button...

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Came the voice of the blonde stranger from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was now only a foot away from me. He had a twinkle in his eyes, he clearly found this whole situation very amusing.

Oh, what the hell, clearly I have room for further humility today. And maybe he didn't even recognise me.

I sighed before asking, "And why is that?"

"Because that will grind the beans." He said bemused.

I couldn't help feeling like I was missing something obvious.

"And that's wrong because..."

"Well, first of all, you need to refill the coffee bean compartment and second of all, you haven't put the portafilter underneath yet. So, even if the coffee beans weren't finished, the whole counter would be covered in coffee powder."


"May I?" He asked stepping forward.

"Be my guest," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He opened a flap on the top of the machine, took beans from the cupboard and poured some inside before taking that thing that looks like an ice cream scooper and attached it to the bottom. That must be the portafilter then... he then pressed a button. After the beans were ground, the coffee seamlessly flowed into the cup.

"That's just not right..." I said, my mouth slightly ajar.

"Do you know how long I've been struggling with that thing! The first time I tried turning it on I nearly got third-degree burns on my hand. Steam just started coming out the front like I was entering the foyer of hell. I turned another promising looking nozzle and pressed that button with the picture of a cup on top and coffee started spouting out like crazy. That was the second attempt of the coffee machine to burn me to a crisp in one day. But, at least the second try proved to be useful, because I thought I'd figured out how to work the thing but then that light started flicking," I pointed to the light which was now no longer flicking, "which I swear was flicking a moment ago and then when I pressed the cup button again, nothing."

The guy tried to keep his composure and listen earnestly to my rant, but by the end, he was full-blown laughing at me. This did not aggravate me though, his laughter didn't come across as mean spirited but rather as genuine amusement at the situation.

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