Part 24

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I spun around and almost bumped heads with Mr Knight. Why on earth was he standing so close?

I tried to keep my composure and my face emotionless.

He looked mad, what on earth does he have to be mad about?

"Have a nice chat with George Reynolds?" He asked coolly.

Ah... of course.

"Very nice actually, he was most informative." I met his gaze with a challenge.

He didn't back down, however, instead he took another step towards me so that our faces were mere centimetres apart. His minty breath was fanning my face.

"Oh, I'm sure he was. However, if you don't mind Elizabeth, I would prefer not to have to walk after my PA as if I was in her employment instead of the other way around." Sarcasm was laced in every word he spoke.

"Of course, I understand Mr Knight," I said emphasizing his last name.

I was disobeying him by not calling him William and I knew it would irritate him.

He frowned at my choice of words but quickly straightened himself up, erasing all confusion from his features.

"There are still a few people I have to greet, I trust you can stay by my side this time."

I simply nodded. I refused to warrant him with a reply. I knew my mouth couldn't be trusted right now and I'd rather not say something that both of us would later grow to regret.

I followed a step behind Mr Knight as he greeted a new group of people that had just entered. He was friendly yet completely professional throughout. I don't think he had another side than his professional, CEO side.

Mr Knight turned to me and said, "And this is Elizabeth Bennet."

I smiled and greeted the men and women in front of me, all four of them were also in beautiful evening gowns and sleek tuxes.

This time it wasn't as hard to keep track (or interest) in the conversation and I even had the opportunity to contribute a few times to what was being said.

After the four of them took leave to make their rounds, Mr Knight and I were left standing alone.

An awkward silence fell between us. Neither of us looked at the other after he introduced me earlier.

I finally couldn't take it anymore, I hated awkward silences.

I didn't quite know what to think of the whole George situation yet and also didn't want to waste a perfectly good party allowing those thoughts to drag me down. I could put all this aside for tonight, the question was could Mr Knight?

"William," I said hesitantly, turning to face Mr Knight, his eyes immediately meeting mine, "I know this event is important. We've worked hard to get it to where it is and I know you're not particularly happy about what happened earlier, but I'd rather not spoil a perfectly good evening because of it. Could we maybe put off with dealing with that for now and just enjoy the rest of the evening?"

Mr Knight listened intently to my speech. After I was finished he was still just staring at me, assessing me again. I wasn't, however, going to shrink under his gaze, no matter who he was or how important he was.

After a long pause, he finally gave a single word answer.


He didn't stop staring though and neither did I. I was unable to look away. For the first time, I allowed myself to study his facial features as I'd never allowed myself before, to really look at him. He had striking green eyes and a long nose, along with a strong jawline. His hair was black and styled back effortlessly.

He certainly was handsome. If only he could undergo a personality transplant, then he could be something to fawn over.

A throat cleared to my left.

I jumped away from Mr Knight and looked towards Ian who was staring at us with a raised eyebrow. I could feel the heat rushing towards my ears.

Stupid ears, there's absolutely no reason to be blushing right now.

"Hello Ian, it's nice to see you again." I greeted him, ignoring the quizzical look on his face.

Finding us standing so close must have looked odd. I can only imagine what must be going through his head right now.

Mr Knight greeted Ian and it was only then that I noticed Julie. She was one step behind and to the side of Ian. She was incredibly shy, all of this had to be pretty overwhelming for her.

She looked beautiful in the light pink dress and the elegant up-do she skillfully constructed. She somehow managed to look just as elegant (if not more so) than all the other ladies in the room with a dress that cost significantly less than all of theirs.

I stepped forward, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.

"You look beautiful Jules, really."

A blush crept up and rested on her cheeks.

"Thank you, Lizzie. I just wish my nerves would settle down." She looked around the room nervously. "Everything looks amazing though."

"I must admit, I do feel a sense of pride to have been a part of putting all of this together," I admitted.

Music started coming from the piano as the pianist started playing. Couples made their way to the dance floor and danced in time with the music.

Ian finished off his conversation with Mr Knight and took a step towards Julie.

"May I have this dance?" He asked her smiling.

She smiled at him sweetly and placed her hand in his as he led her onto the dance floor. Their eyes never left each other and they moved in sync as if they had been dancing together for years.

Mr Knight was staring out onto the dance floor.

There was no use in just standing here, I thought as I took a step closer to Mr Knight.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I'd actually rather not." He answered quickly, without sparing me a glance.

Well alright then...

"I'm getting something to eat," I stated simply, not letting the influence of rejection show on my face.

I was just trying to be civil. If he wanted to be uptight and stare at all the other people dancing, so be it.

I reached one of the appetizer tables and sampled a pastry before reaching for one of the small plates.

"Funny how we keep running into each other like this," George said, joining me at the table.

"Yes, quite funny, almost like you're following me or something." I teased.

"You're not completely wrong there. I did come over here to ask you to dance." He smiled flirtatiously.


I looked over to where I left Mr Knight. He was still looking out onto the dance floor.

I know he said he wanted me to stay by his side, but nothing about his current mood attested to the fact that he wanted me anywhere near him.

Surely he wouldn't mind if I danced for one song. He probably wouldn't even notice.

Why am I even thinking about him right now? He hasn't needed me at all throughout the evening. And it's not like we're here "together", so there's no earthly reason why I shouldn't dance with anybody else.

"You know what George, I'd love to."

I'm not quite sure whether or not the images I've put up on every chapter are actually visible. Please feel free to let me know if not.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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