Part 6

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If someone had told me a week ago that I would be walking into Knight Inc today to go to my job, I wouldn't have found that so hard to believe. But, considering my disastrous interview and the way I made an absolute fool of myself when Mr Knight phoned me personally to let me know I got the job, now I find the whole situation pretty surreal.

I was once again seated in the waiting room, waiting, just like before. The only difference was that now I was no longer wishing but now knew that I had in fact landed the job.

Why is it then that I feel even more nervous than before?

I spent most of last night doing further research on the man that is William Knight. This all happened after I had decided on my outfit for my first day. Normally I wouldn't put quite so much time and effort into my wardrobe choices, but the occasion called for attention to the finer details. I wouldn't say that I'm a slob, I take pride in my appearance, but spending more than an hour getting ready (I'm talking hair, make-up, the works) is and never will be me. 

I just had to try my hardest to erase the first and then every impression after that I must have left in his mind. Because for reasons I could not possibly fathom, William Knight wants me to work in his company.

Maybe your CV looked better after he took a second look at it?

I highly doubt that's it...

My research into the life of William Knight turned out to be futile. From my encounters with him, he appeared to be a very private and meticulous human being. This had seeped into his public presence. You won't find any information on him that he didn't want you to know about. 

"Miss Bennett?" My eyes popped up to the voice, expecting to find the same tight-skirted woman (Miss Hathaway)  from before, but to my surprise was greeted with the stony face of Mr Knight himself.

Did he not know that him coming down here himself would only frazzle me more? What could be the meaning of this? Does he not have countless women (assuming the one from before was busy) to sashay me around the place? 

Get a grip Elizabeth, you're a strong independent woman and no man can take that away from you. Not even the great William Knight in all his stature. 

With that, I rose to my feet and started making my way over to Mr Knight. I kept my head high no matter how hard I wanted to look down and make sure that I wouldn't stumble over something with these blooming high heels on. It was only when I was a foot away from him that I finally made direct eye contact with him.

"Good morning Mr Knight, it's good to see you again." I continued with a tight smile.

"Likewise, follow me please." With that, he turned on his heel and started walking down the hall.

I fell in step beside him, trying my best not to trip as I go. Luckily I was relatively fit, otherwise I would never have been able to keep up with his pace. 

"I expect you to be here by 7 AM every morning with coffee. I take it black and without sugar. It is expected that you pick up my mail, here's the key," he handed a small golden key before continuing, "the box number is 506 and you sign off on any other parcels delivered in my name."  

I yanked out a notepad from my handbag and started scribbling down notes furiously, remembering his comment about not repeating himself and assuming this was a sort of life motto for him and not just something he used during interviews. 

"Privacy is of cardinal importance to me personally, but also something that I take very seriously in my company as a whole. So, this responsibility is not something to be taken lightly. Naturally, you will be signing a non-disclosure..."

"Excuse me, sir," I interrupted him mid-sentence, "may I ask something?"

"If you must." he clipped.

I ignored his shortness and continued.

"Which position is it exactly that I will be filling? I interviewed to be one of your marketing specialists, but it sounds like you want me to..."

"Be my PA, yes." He answered for me, looking me straight in the eye. 

I had not noticed but we had come to a stop in front of the same wooden doors behind which I had had my interview.

"But, sir, that's not exactly..." 

He turned towards the double doors, opening them before proceeding into the room.

"Your CV was adequate and after some reviewing, I found your references weren't bad terrible. This is, however, your first job post-university and apart from a few internships here and there and a waitressing job, you have very little experience in this field. And in business, experience is everything."

He went behind his desk and sat down and I did the same with the leather chair right across from him. He started up his laptop and busied himself with the papers on his desk before continuing.

"I don't like wasting time Miss Bennett and I especially don't like wasting time on people fresh from university, who have got rose clouded glasses with regards to business but aren't willing to put in the work necessary to get the job done."

I believe he made this point abundantly clear in the hallway but clearly, he felt the need to accentuate this particular point further. Like I had somehow forgotten his comments on having to "babysit" me.

He laced his fingers together and placed them on his desk, tilting his head ever so slightly, his eyes studying me. 

"You didn't get the job," my heart sank slightly at his words and he continued, "at least not the one you applied for. My regular PA took an extended maternity leave and you are now left with an opportunity, one that very few in my position would offer you. I'm offering you a chance to prove yourself and if you don't disappoint, I will reconsider your initial application."

I sat there in silence, taking in everything that he has said with his scrutinizing gaze still on me. 

Would I be able to do this? Would I be able to be someone else's PA? Not just someone's, the William Knight's PA. He was one of the most influential people in the business. If I screw up this could be a total disaster, this could ruin me.

But then I started thinking about what he said. He was right, this could be a big step in the right direction for me. A recommendation and job experience under William Knight, no matter what kind, will look good for any job I'd want to apply for in the future.

And then I thought about our home, our family home. And my sisters who were already carrying so much of our family's financial load.

"When would you like me to start?"

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