Part 27

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This part is dedicated to @amazinglyawkward16 , you truly are amazing! Thanks for all the support!

I didn't sleep a wink. At first, I was too worked up about everything that happened. The conversations I had with Mr Knight kept swimming through my head. When I thought about his insulting accusations I got more and more infuriated.

He had some cheek to insinuate that I was the unprofessional one. Wasn't he the one who insisted we drop the formalities and that I should call him by his first name? Wasn't he also the one who pushed me against a wall? That didn't feel all that professional.

I forced all thoughts of Mr Knight out of my head and was able to calm down slightly. I rolled onto my side and it was then that I realised that Julie wasn't back yet.

My eyes snapped to the alarm clock on my bedside table. It was already 2 AM. I couldn't help but feel slightly worried, she should've been back hours ago.  I dialled Julie's number, but there was no answer.

My fingers were hovering over the keypad when a message from Julie came through.

"Hi Liz, sorry I just missed your call. Everything is alright, I'll explain later. xo Julie"

Well alright then... She must still be with Ian...

He didn't really give off the serial killer vibe, so when Julie said everything was alright, it most probably was.

I rolled back over again and closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take over my body.


A soft click woke me up from my sleep.

Julie was walking on her tiptoes into the room, without switching on the light.

I watched in amusement, waiting until she reached her bed before clearing my throat.

Julie jumped from fright.

"Oh, Lizzie, I thought you were asleep." She whispered.

"You know I'm a light sleeper," I said sitting up. "So, where have you been?" I asked in amusement.

This whole situation was comical. Julie was the epitome of a good girl and even when we were back in high school, she never even thought about doing anything like sneaking out at night or staying out past curfew.

Now, I felt like a mother who caught her daughter doing just that and the guilty look in her eyes made the comparison all the more hilarious.

"Ian and I were at the party and when it ended we decided to take a walkabout and just talk some more. It was somewhere in this time when you tried phoning, but my phone was on silent and I only realised when it vibrated to notify me of a missed call."

"And then?" I encouraged her to keep talking.

"Then we went for some coffee. We just finished and he dropped me off." The room was still quite dark, but I could swear that I saw a blush spreading over her cheeks.

"Ah, you like him." I cooed.

Julie threw a pillow at me, but it landed short at the foot of my bed. I laughed at her failed attempt.

"I just enjoy his company, that's all."


I didn't believe a word of it, I don't even think she believed herself. I knew my sister and she was completely smitten with him.

Julie gave an exaggerated yawn.

"Well, I'm really tired, so I'm going to get ready for bed now. Night Lizzie." She said, taking her pyjamas to the bathroom.

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