Part 43

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I had to go back inside.

It's been 15 minutes since I left the ballroom and William would probably be wondering where I was by now.

But would he? He's probably still busy talking to his fiancé.

I shook my head to rid it of the thoughts. It was almost like I was jealous or worse yet, hurt by what he had done. For that to be true, I had to care about him, as more than just a boss, more than a mere acquaintance.

Which I didn't...


I straightened myself up, flattened my dress which had crinkled from my leaning position and re-entered the ballroom. As I opened the door, I came face-to-face with the man of the hour.

His eyebrows had that all familiar crease between them which did not match my stoic expression at all.

"I've been looking all over for you. When I turned around, you were gone." The concerned crease deepened.

Well, too bad buddy.

"I needed some air," I stated, being sure to keep my tone void of any emotion.

His face scrunched in confusion, inspecting my own.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, reaching out to touch my arm.

Just like Sophia had touched his moments before.

I jerked my body to the side as if his touch would scorch my skin.

"I'm fine, just tired," I stated, avoiding his eye.

I knew he would see the lie if his scrutinizing eyes got the opportunity.

I was drained and I didn't have any energy to fight him at this point. Which was what was going to happen if we continued down the road that this conversation was heading.

There was a beat of silence as William decided how to proceed.

I prayed that he wouldn't push the matter further.

"I'm just about done here, why don't you go ahead to the reception hall? I'll meet you out there, I just have to say goodbye to a few people first." He said, brushing his hand against the small of my back to usher me forward.

I stiffened upon his contact but nodded in response to his question nonetheless.

I made my way to the front, waiting numbly for William's return.

People were still buzzing around me, but I just didn't have enough energy to take note of their presence.

The same thought kept repeating in my head over and over again.

He was engaged...

"Are you ready?" William asked from beside me.

I nodded, keeping my gaze forward.

He lead me to a door by the side, different from the one we entered through.

"I asked the driver to bring the car around the side to avoid the crowd out front." He said, ushering me through the door.

It was dark outside in comparison to the bright lights inside the building.

William opened the back door for me and I quickly slid in with him joining me on the back seat shortly after.

The car started its route back to our hotel. I angled my body away from William, making sure to leave sufficient space between us and gazed out of the window at the passing street lights.

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