Part 4

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After the interview I hopped in a taxi and was dropped off at the beach. Whenever I had a really crappy day, there was always one thing that could cheer me up, and that was the ocean and a double scoop of chocolate ice cream.

I took off my heels and tossed them in my handbag before letting my toes sink into the sand. This was absolute bliss. 

I started making my way over to the ice cream parlour which was very conveniently (or inconveniently, depending on your opinion of sand getting everywhere) located on a perched up doc in the middle of the beach. Luckily the line was not very long considering it was four in the afternoon and in the middle of the week.

Most people were probably still at their jobs. Because they could get jobs. Because they didn't have an asshole who interviewed them and wouldn't even give them a proper interview, never mind a chance to prove their worth in the company.

Wow Elizabeth, that thought was hitting way too close to bitter resentment. You're one step away from becoming a sad lady working behind a till because she gave up on all her hopes and dreams at an early age.

You have seriously got to get a grip. This was just one bad interview, a little bump in the road. No an irritating pebble at the most. You will dust yourself off and go to the next one with the same amount of spunk as you did this one.

The line started moving up and I was now one person away from the front.

A little black girl with curly pigtails was giving her order next. Her dad was patiently waiting on her to choose between the rocky road and the mint chip. He decided on a vanilla soft serve in a Styrofoam cup. Is there any order more vanilla and dad-like than that one?

The cashier handed the little girl her cone with a generous scoop of rocky road on top. The little girl started fervently licking the ice cream that seemed to be melting at double the speed that she was able to lick the droplets as they came down. I hope they have wet wipes in their car because that pink dress of hers was not going to remain quite as spot-free as it had been five minutes ago.

I approached the counter and gave my order to which the server gave a toothy grin. He knew me by now, let's just say I had some pretty stressful moments during exam season at university and I did not take not knowing the answer to a question on a test very well. 

After paying, my sugar cone and I made our way down the beach until I could comfortably plop myself down close enough to where the waves reached without any of it spraying on me.

I sat in solitary bliss for I don't know how long, just looking out on the waves, my breathing becoming in sync with every ebb and flow.

A bundle of sun-stricken hair hit me from the side, causing my last scoop of chocolate ice cream to crash to its early demise. The blonde turned out not to be a very clumsy human being, but rather a very excitable golden retriever who proceeded to inhale the remainder of my ice cream from the sand before giving me a very generous and sand-filled kiss through my face. 

"Charlie! Come here, boy!" Someone shouted from the side, causing the golden retriever's ears to perk up in response.

I looked in the direction that the voice was coming from and saw a man with dark hair approaching me. He had on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. His forehead had a light layer of perspiration on it which made it apparent he had been running down the beach playing with Charlie. Well, that and the red rubber ball in his hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Was he bothering you?" The man crouched down next to me trying to help me up.

I was in no way going to correct the man that I was indeed sitting flat on my behind and that Charlie had not as he had assumed made me tumble to the ground. If a handsome stranger felt the need to be all gentleman-like and help me back on my feet, who was I to deny him that privilege? Besides, after the day I'd had, I could certainly do with the flattery.

"Oh no, not at all, he was a real sweetheart actually," I replied, looking down at Charlie's friendly face. His fast breathing caused a smile to take over his features, which automatically made me grin in return.

"Please tell me he didn't bound on you? I'm really trying to get that out of him. He just has this unlimited amount of energy that's a bit difficult to contain." He gave me another apologetic smile.

"You could always try playing fetch on the beach, I've heard that could do wonders in calming down over-excitable pooches." 

"That's an excellent idea, I wish I'd thought of that sooner." His eyes were twinkling with amusement.

"Would you like to join us?"

I considered his invitation for a moment before agreeing. There was something about this guy that was intriguing and I always believe that things happen for a reason. Surely, it couldn't be merely a coincidence that both of us happened to be at the beach on this exact day and at this exact time. Could it?

"My name is George by the way," he said, holding his hand out to me.

"Elizabeth," I gave my hand a brief squeeze.

We fell in step with each other as he tossed the ball into the waves for Charlie to retrieve.

"Are you from around here Elizabeth?"

"Well George, I am indeed." I flashed him a cheeky grin before continuing, "And you?"

"No, I'm actually originally from England. I'm only in town for a few months on business."

That explains the accent.

Have I mentioned I have a huge weakness for British men?

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