Attention / Karina-Anna

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"Hey bubs" I said when I jumped on Anna's bed. She clicked something on her laptop and tilted it slightly down so I couldn't see what's on the screen

"What do you want Y/n?"

"Ouch, maybe 'Hi Y/n, how are you feeling' or 'Wanna cuddle?' would be better" I said with a little laugh but she stayed serious.

"Seriously, what do you want?" not gonna lie that hurt, she have never been that cold to me.

"I umm, well I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend, ask if she want to go to the Universal Studio with me" I said but she totally wasn't paying attention to what I said.

"I can't hangout with you today, I'm face timing Jersey" she said and that hit like a bullet.

"Oh...who is she?"

"My new best friend" she said smiling to her phone, I looked at it and she was texting that Jersey girl.

"Is she the one that people are shipping you with?"

"Yes, she comes to la tomorrow" she said excited.

"Okay..." I said and stand up from her bed "I came to LA to see you too, and tomorrow late night I have my flight back to New York" she didn't even look my way, before I went out of her room I heard her say 'Hey' and someone saying 'Hey bubs'

Is that Jersey? Is Anna cheating on me with her? Is that why she so cold to me? Nah I'm probably overreacting, they are just friends right?

Anyway, I walked downstairs and see girls sitting on the couch. I jumped on Karina and she let out a loud groan.

"Hey, I'm not that fat" I said offened.

"You're not fat, you just hit my rib with your elbow" she said and put her hands around me.

"Or you're just fat" Sab said and I flipped her off. I pulled out my phone and started watching tik toks, I recorded one laying on Karina's lap and her playing with my hair. I posted it with a smiley face in the caption.

"Hey K"

"Yes?" she asked and put her phone down giving me all her attention, something that Anna doesn't do often.

"Do you want to go with me to the Universal Studio? I have two tickets and no one to go with" I asked and her face lit up.

"What about Anna? She's your girlfriend, wouldn't she be mad that you're taking me instead of her?"

"I asked her and she told me she can't, because she's face timing Jersey" I said and she nodded.

"In that case, of course I want to go" she said and stroked my cheek.

. Next day

I packed in the morning to have more time for Anna, today is my last day in LA. I showered and dress then I walked to the kitchen.

"Sugar plum!" Devy said and hugged me "Do you really have to go today?"

"Saddly yes" I said and she frowned.

"Well I made you breakfast" she said and smiled from ear to ear making me smile as well.

"Thank you so much Devy, do you know where's Anna?" I asked and started eating.

"Shouldn't she be with you?"

"Yeah but when I woke up she wasn't in bed" Just when I said that Anna walked in the room with a girl and her baggage.

"Guys! Come meet Jersey!" she shouted and we walk in the living room. "Guys this is Jersey, Jersey these are my best friends Devy, Karina, Sab, Eva and Y/n" Ouch, did she just called me her best friend?

The girls were just standing there awkwardly. I saw Karina stand next to me and she grabbed my hand.

"Hi Jersey nice to-" Devy started but she cut her off.

"Mhm yeah, Anna are we going to your room?" That girl said and kissed Anna's cheek.

"Yup, come on" Anna said and grabbed her hand.

"What the actual fuck?" Sab said and I was starring blankly at the wall.

"Are you okay Y/n/n?" Karina asked, i just nodded.

"Eva can I take your car?" I asked her turning my head in her direction. She looked at me not sure if she should say yes.

"I just want to go for a drive" I said with puppy eyes.

"Fine, but I don't trust you" she said and looked at Karina.

"Can I go with you" Karina asked, I didn't think about this much.

"Sure, but you're driving" We walked out of the house, we got in the car and she drove away.

"Where do you want to go" she asked and put on some chill music.

"I don't know, I don't care" I said and lay my head back on the seat, she nodded her head.

So here we are, driving around town for about two hour now and listening to the music. She's eventually trying to light up my mood, by far it works

"Can we go to the dons, I'm hungry" she asked.

"Yeah" we ordered our food and she parked the car. I checked my phone, only notifications are from tik tok or Instagram. Well it seems like Anna really doesn't care about me.

"Give me this, I'll throw it to the trash" she said and walked out of the car. She came back two minutes later.

"Okay, you want to go home now or somewhere else?" she asked, I think I starred at her a little to much because I lean in and kiss her.

I felt that spark inside of me, something that with Anna disappeared a long time ago. I wanted more.

What shocked me was that Karina kissed me back. She always claimed that she's straight and bi only for Kendall Jenner, well I don't think so.

After a few minutes we pulled away, a little bit breathless.

"What about Anna?" She asked and opened her eyes.

"I don't give a fuck about Anna right now, she doesn't even pay attention to me anymore, she's probably cheating on me with Jersey now" I said and she signed.

"You better tell me what do you think about us miss 'i am straight'"

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