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She held on tightly to Thomas as they hugged, her thumb rubbing his shoulder, in a desperate attempt to provide more comfort to him. He was crying inconsolably, in a state of vulnerability she had never seen him in before, which made her heart break.
"Tom, it's okay, it's okay" she whispered into his shoulder, feeling his chest jump with the movement of his sobs.
Thomas hadn't said anything for a few minutes. It was just them in the medical lab, all the doctors and nurses had left at Teresa's request, and she had made sure Janson wouldn't be there. Although she didn't agree with what Thomas did, and didn't think she ever could, she understood why he did it, and it still pained her to think he'd have his memory wiped and would forget her forever.
She had done something, something she would feel guilty about later, because in truth, it could effect the results, but something that would make Thomas' time in the Maze easier. She hoped it had worked, she stayed up all night creating and altering the formula so it was just right. She had done the same for Newt, but she hadn't told Thomas that. She didn't think they would ever meet again.

"Tom, I'm gonna inject the memory serum, okay?" she said, pushing him gently back off of her, so she could look at him. His face was red and puffy.
He nodded, taking a few steps back to sit on the bed. Teresa rolled up his sleeve for him, and grabbed the filled tube of memory serum from the table to her right.
"You okay?" she asked, getting ready to inject the needle, her heart heavy.
"Wait, Teresa" he said, grabbing her hand.
"Thank you, for what you did to help me, and to help Newt. I wasn't as grateful as I should've been but you're one of the only people who have always been there for me, who I could always rely on and trust" he paused. "Although, realistically, I can't say I'll never forget it, because I will, in a matter of seconds, but I owe you forever"
Teresa hugged Thomas then, smiling.
"Thank you Tom, I'll look after you from up here, I promise"
Thomas nodded, looking her in the eyes, his entire face softening, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm good to go now Teresa" he said.
She lifted the serum up to the vein in his arm.
"Deep breath, Tom. 1,2,3" and she injected it into his blood stream, watching as his eyes closed and opened again to look at hers.
The security guards came in and grabbed him by his arms, and he was dragged away from her, without looking back. She exhaled sharply and slumped down onto the bed, still warm from where Thomas had been sitting.

He woke up, covered in sweat, his chest heaving. Everything around him was moving, far too quickly, and he suddenly felt dizzy, the side of his vision turning black.
He winced as the items in the structure around him rattled and clanked together.
He had no idea where he was, or where he was going, in the hurtling cage that was moving upwards towards the sky. He tried to calm himself, to speak some words of comfort, but suddenly he realised he didn't know who he was. He didn't know his age, where he came from, or even his own name.
His panic heightened as the metal box moved at the same pace higher and higher up into the sky, showing no sign of slowing down or stopping.
He clamped his eyes shut, preparing for the inevitable end he was about to meet.

But then he felt the cage grind to a screeching halt, shaking as it did so. The boy lay in the dark, unable to move.
His eyes were still firmly clamped shut, and his t-shirt stuck uncomfortably to his back, his breath was shallow and quick.
He heard a click above him, and felt warmth on his skin, and light that he could feel even with his eyes shut. He heard voices, male voices, speaking above him. He heard something creak open, which he assumed was the lid of the cage he was stuck in. He opened his eyes fully now and saw 3 boys standing above him, looking down into the cage.
One of the boys jumped down into the cage and the boy sat up as he felt heavy boots attached to a tall, muscular boy land beside him.
"Rise and shine, Greenie" the voice said, reaching out a hand. He took it, pulling himself up. He looked down at himself, to see he had on a faded blue, long sleeved shirt and dark trousers, and some trainers too. He didn't remember getting dressed, or where these clothes were from, but he was grateful he wasn't sitting there butt naked.

The other boy helped him climb out of the cage, letting him sit down on the dry ground when he was out, allowing him to take in his surroundings.
His eyes firstly met with a muscular - and attractive - Asian boy, who smiled weakly at him. Beside him, was a black boy with a warm smile, that briefly comforted him.
"Nice to meet ya greenie. I'm Frypan, but you can call me Fry" the second boy said, waving at him.
He blinked in the sunlight, his mouth dry, no words that were sufficient for how he felt coming  into his head.
'Weird name' he thought to himself, pushing a hand off the ground and standing up.
The boy who had helped him out of the cage stood in front of him, eyebrows raised, a smirk on his face.
"I'm Gally"
He nodded. "I'm-" he paused, and tried again, pushing his brain "I'm-"
The boy who had said his name was Frypan took a step forward and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"It'll take a while for your name to come back, but it will eventually. Don't stress about it greenbean"
"Why does everyone keep calling me green? What's that about?" he said aloud, taking a step back from Gally.
"It's what we call the new people that arrive here. You think it's weird?" the Asian boy said.
"A little" he replied.
"Knew it. Why'd you call him that I thought we were gonna let that nickname go, shuckface" the asian boy replied, shaking his head, clearly directing his speech towards Gally.
"Shut it, Minho. It was Alby's idea, not mine" Gally replied.

The boy brought his focus away from the boys around him and lifted his head. He was immediately speechless at what lay before him.
They stood in the centre of a large mass of grass, surrounded by large, towering stone walls that covered the whole perimeter. There were very few buildings, but they all seemed to be made by hand, with wood he only assumed had been gathered from the forest that stood on the outskirts of the grassy plain.
"What is this place?" he asked, turning his entire body to get a view of every inch.
"We call it the glade" a voice called out, that he hadn't heard before.
The owner of the voice came up to him and put out his hand. He was black and tall and appeared the oldest and by the way the other boys were silent, he assumed this was their leader. "I'm Alby. First in command"
He was correct.
"And what's that?" he asked, gesturing to the gap in the stone walls he could see from where he was standing.
"Don't worry about that just yet" Alby said, trying to bring the boys attention elsewhere, but he was already running towards the structures that seemed to him like doors.
"Hey, you don't wanna be doing that" Alby said, chasing after him.
Alby managed to catch him by the arm, and pulled him sharply back.
"I'll tell you all about that later, I promise" he said, smiling weakly. "You know your name yet, greenbean?"
He had begun to shake his head when he heard footsteps to the left of where he was standing, he tried to look for the source but the sun was in his eyes. The footsteps drew nearer. He then heard a crash, and the splashing of water on the ground. They guy must've been carrying some water buckets or something.

"T-Tho-" the voice stuttered, which he could barely understand. Whatever the person was trying to say came out strangled and choked.
"No, no it can't be. That's not possible. This isn't possible" the voice said, clearly frantic and upset. The sun was moments from dropping behind the walls, and before he could clearly see the face of the other boy, there was a yell.
He felt arms around him, familiar, safe arms, holding him tight and close. Familiar blonde hair, a familiar smell. It couldn't be. How could he remember?


idk if anyone was expecting this or not ??? but i hope u enjoyed. i enjoyed writing this so much.
thank u to the few people who went to read my ao3 fic, chp 2 is up now and newt is in it :)

thank u so much for almost 13.8k and all the kind comments, i really appreciate it so much!! xxxxx

EDIT: new chapter in the next few days, sorry to leave u all hanging! i'm devoting a lot of time to my ao3 fic and doing 4k word chapters for that so it's very time consuming, but if you want a cute newtmas fic to read while u wait for chp27, u can go to the link in my bio, i'd really appreciate it! <333 

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