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He dreads to think it's one week until he's in the maze, without Thomas. He's afraid. Of being alone in a maze with a complete stranger, and brand new surroundings being completely out of his comfort zone, and as childish as he sounds, not being able to tell Thomas when he has a nightmare. He'll miss that.
He's deep in thought when he notices Thomas waving his hands in front of Newt's face.
"Hey. You in there? You have a crucial debriefing for the maze in 5 minutes. You should step on it. It's in the conference room."
Newt nods and clumsily stumbles up from his chair. "See you in here in 25 minutes or so?" Newt says, chewing on a hangnail.
Thomas agrees.
Newt half walks and half runs down the hall and turns left, towards the main conference room. He's extremely nervous. Thomas mentioned it was crucial, and if Thomas says-
He just knows he should be afraid. He feels something in his heart tug a little. 7 days left before he's thrown into a brand new existence.

He reaches the door and knocks hesitantly.

"Ah, Newton. Come in." Janson calls out. Newt walks in timidly, he can hear his heartbeat in his ears.
"We weren't sure how much of the process you were aware of, so we called you in. You know you must undergo a procedure to prep you for the maze."
"Define procedure?" Newt asks, he's confused. He imagined them sending him in for a health check up, making sure he was good to go and knew what to do and then just sending him up. That felt the most right. It was the quickest and most straightforward prepping.
"Ah. Well" Ms Paige says with a glance to Janson. "You'll need your modifications completed, and you'll need a check up and—"
"Wait. Modifications?"
"Of your brain, Newton. We have to wipe your memory." Ms Paige says, sternly.
Newt feels the world spin wildly for a moment and then stand completely still. His memory gone. Completely?
"You'll be able to remember your name. That's all thats safe for us to give you. I'm sorry, Newton. I really am." Ms Paige says staring down at the pristine glass table that her clasped hands rest on.
Newt cant focus on anything other than the fact that he wont remember Thomas, he wont remember their memories, their friendship and nothing will spark in him when he see's his face. He doesn't want to do this anymore. He doesn't believe he can.
"I think it's best that you go now, Newton. That'll be all."
"Yeah. Great. I'm so bloody excited, you know? Can't contain myself." Newt says, his teeth grinding together, exiting the room.

Thomas sits on the end of his bed, resting his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped and hanging in front of him.
He knows Newt is finding out about the memory swipe, as he sits there.
He waits a few minutes before pushing open his door and walking towards the conference room, his head bowed.
He hears footsteps, slow and quiet at first but he hears them get louder and speed up. He lifts his head. It's Newt, running towards him.
Thomas doesn't have time to speak.
"Don't take this the wrong way Tommy." Newt almost gasps, before pressing his lips to Thomas'.
Thomas feels his heart leap and begin to race. He doesn't know what to do with himself, how to act, He's never kissed anyone like this before. Before he can gather himself and his thoughts, Newt has pulled away and is standing in front of him, flushed.
"That was needed." Newt says, smirking.
"Yeah. It was."
"Had to take my chances, I won't recognise your face in a week, better get at it while I can."
Thomas laughs. "Gotta say, I'm not upset with how you've handled it so far."
Newt exhales. "Tommy, stop, don't make me do it again."
Thomas raises both his hands in protest. "Can we talk about this though? I think we both have things to say."
Newt nods and they walk together to Thomas' room.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I thought I could prevent it, but-"
Newt punches his shoulder lightly. "Hey, It's crucial to the trials. It's okay. We'll meet again."
"You're right. It's gonna suck watching you suffer in there while I'm controlling you."
"Not as much as it's gonna suck for me."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll miss you though Newt. You've really changed me."
"And you've changed me. For starters, I've never kissed anyone let alone a boy." Newt adds, another smirk appearing.
"Shut. Up."
Newt throws back his head and laughs.
"You're a dick sometimes you know?" Thomas says, poking Newt's arm.
"Yeah, I know it."

Thomas spent every moment with Newt he could. He insisted on trying to prevent Newt's memory loss, but he failed every time. Newt was too stubborn to accept anything that wasn't the right thing, as much as he hated WCKD.
The second last day was the hardest, for both of them. It was the day before Newt's memory was wiped. Thomas felt sick, thinking about looking at Newt and knowing the boy didn't know him, let alone feel for him.

"Well. We made it." Newt says, leaning against Thomas.
"I'd hardly call this 'making it'" Thomas replies, with a deep sigh.
"I'm tryna be positive, ok? I'm trying my bloody best to show no sign of how scared I am, but you're making it very very hard Tommy."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm so terrified of looking at you and feeling nothing, I never knew we'd be saying goodbye like this, I thought it'd be dramatically, where you're saving my arse 'n we have a big dramatic goodbye before I die. Not as pathetic as this."
"Maybe that's how it'll go in the end." Thomas whispers, squeezing Newt's hand, feeling the tears well up in his eyes.
"It'll be different." Newt says, his voice cracking.
"Not so much. I'll still be me, You'll be you."
Thomas feels Newt's shoulders shaking with sobs.
"I love you." Thomas says.
"I love you too Tommy."
The boys sit together, their faces streaked with tears and their hearts aching.
"Look at us. Two teenagers, crying together in the dark. Bloody pathetic." Newt says, laughing through his sobs.
Thomas laughs.
"You should get to bed. You've got a storm coming."

i CRIED writing this omg im too attached to them im sorry its not even good
i hope u enjoy this chapter FILLED with fluffy shit xx
sister soft !

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