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Thomas feels his heart sink. He had hoped, that something in Newt would click in place again, when they looked at each other, even with his memory wiped. But, all that Thomas saw nothing in his eyes. They appeared disconnected and glassy when they found him. 

This had been expected but Thomas had held on anyway. It made him sadder than he realised. He knew he had to go into work mode, block out everything except the maze, and his friends that he had left. He suddenly regretted pushing Teresa away as much as he did. He loved her like a sister, he thinks he always will. He looks at Newt one more time, who sits lifting his hands and arms out in front of him and speculating on his appearance in the mirror. 

"I'm a bit bloody scrawny aint I?" He says. Thomas laughs. Newt snaps his head from the mirror to look at Thomas. "What're you still doing here? You must've really gave a shit right?"

"Yeah Newt. I really did." Thomas mutters loud enough for Newt to hear and turns on his heel and makes his way out of the lab. He puts Newt behind him.

Teresa is leaning against the wall outside. She springs up from the wall and turns to him. He almost expects her to ask how he is and put on a concerned face like in a dumb hospital drama. She is quiet for a minute and they stand making no effort to speak.

"Tom, I don't kno-"

"Teresa. You don't have to save anything. Really. He's behind me. You have my complete and undivided attention."

Teresa sighs. "If you're really sure."

"A hundred percent sure. It's calling out to me. I wanna help." He says determinedly.

 Teresa nods. "We'll send him up in 20 minutes. Head for the control room, I need help controlling everything, making sure it runs smoothly. If all goes well he should be up safely with Alby in no time." 

Thomas nods. What he's doing is good. He repeats that inside his head over and over, until he convinces himself that it is.


He doesn't remember the boy at all. Not a spark of anything. He feels dumb and vulnerable. A teenage boy who doesn't know anything about himself at all. His family, what makes him happy, what he hates, who he loves. Does he even love anyone? Did he even have a family? These thoughts make him shiver. 

The boy with the dark brown hair seemed desperate for Newt to know him. Maybe he was missing something but the black haired boy seemed.... a bit glass half empty. Maybe a bit drained. He wasn't sure, but he could tell the boy was definitely not his usual self and he had a feeling that was something to do with him. The boy mentioned they were best friends before, but the way he said it felt so- NO. Newt didn't want to think about love with a stupid boy. Imagine! Newt in love with a boy. Laughable.

He still felt bad though. He really wanted to remember. He just couldn't. It bloody sucked.

The nurse tells him he will go up into a maze and complete a trial, to help save the human race. So much bloody weight on his shoulders. 

She also tells him he'll be gassed and disorientated and he'll come up into the maze forgetting everything but his name,and everything they're speaking of now. That makes him shiver. He won't remember the boy with the dark brown hair. He's alarmed by the fact that he's eager and curious to know more about the boy, to ask him questions about what he was like before he lost his memory, how he was annoying, why he was good. He just wanted to know so much and he had so little time. 

He pricks up his head when the nurse calls to him and says he is ready to go. He is unsure if she means go somewhere other than here or go go. He takes his chances.

"What was the name of that boy?" 

The nurse lifts her head from the sheets of paper and folders in front of her.

"Ah, yes. That's your Thomas. You went to school together before this happened. You were very close."

Newt is satisfied with that answer and he thanks her.

After a minute or so of silence the nurse walks to the door and beckons for him.

"It's time."


Teresa clears her throat. "Here's going up. They're gassing him in-" She inhales.






It's done"

Thomas releases a breath he didn't know he was holding. Newt is behind him now. All he has now, all he will think of when he sees the boy's brown eyes and ashy blonde hair is his subject. His subject A5. The memory of Newt is gone. He shuts off that part of his brain, the part that cares.

"He's in the box. He should be up and out in the next 4 and a half minutes." Teresa says, reaching over and squeezing his arm. He turns and smiles gratefully back at her. 

Thomas waits, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. Will Newt have woken up yet? Will he be scared and yelling? Or will he be speechless? Thomas is too afraid to put on the headphones or so much as glance at the monitor. He doesn't deserve to see Newt at his most vulnerable. 


He sits in the corner of the metal cage he's trapped in, shaking slightly. It swings and jolts and makes loud clunking and banging noises that scare him half to death, but he won't be childish and yell, although he knows nothing of where it's taking him. 

It grinds to a halt quickly, taking him by surprise. The opening above him widens and he blinks up against the bright daylight and humidity which feels strange on his skin. It makes him feel strangely happy. He knows that wherever he was before that he didn't go outside and feel warmth on his skin or breathe fresh air often. As scared shitless as he is, he has a sense that one day this place will be some form of a home.

A boy, with dark skin and a bright smile jumps down with an outstretched arm to assist him.

"I'm Alby. Name?"

The boy pauses. 
"My name is Newton, but my friends call me Newt."

hi its been a while :o

thank u so much for 1.3k !!! ur all so sick ily

im sorry i havent been posting yikes. i havent been as active within the maze runner fandom. i miss them :( so much. 

bye <3

*not ready thru or edited sorry its bad*

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