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Newt lies in the darkness of his room.

He regrets what he said to Thomas, he didn't intend to be so hard on him, but he needed his point to get across. Thomas couldn't go into that meeting. His most prominent worry for Thomas is that the truth will scare him, Janson will talk about tests and how the virus is worsening, which is the truth. Why else would Thomas have been called in?

Not that he has seen the outside world, or even photographs of it, secretly he hopes he doesn't have to face it for a long time. The images they were shown months ago, the first time they met Janson, still sit in the front of his brain, frequently. That image is already a reason he is happy to help WCKD, he hopes he is as willing when the time rolls around in a few weeks time. He's sometimes sad to think of Thomas going, currently that isn't an issue. He's more angry at Thomas now.

The alarm clock beside his bed reads 5;30.am. Is that an acceptable time to wake up on a Monday morning? He decides, wether it is or not, he's getting up and taking a shower.

He silently pads out of bed and grabs his towel and clothes that are folded on his chair. He feels, strangely like himself. His old sleeping habits are back.

He pushes open the a-joining door into the bathroom and enters the stall in the back which he usually ends up going to now, it's around the corner from the others behind a tiled wall. He closes the door behind him, places down his towel and clothes on the small stool in the corner and flicks on the shower before undressing and stepping under the warm spray, relaxing his muscles and focusing on the sound of the shower, like raindrops. He can't hear anything. 'Finally, peace' He whispers to himself, with a smile. He know remembers why he enjoyed waking up so early before. The blissful sound of no one else around him.

He doesn't notice how time passes, maybe it was 30 minutes or so. He is notorious for his long showers. He hesitates before switching off the shower and wrapping his towel around his waist. He dries off his body quickly and changes into his school trousers and a shirt. His tie and his blazer are hanging in his room.

He walks out into the bathroom, which is still empty. He dries his hair and brushes it, it's getting a little long, Newt notices. It hangs in front of his eyes.

He completes his morning by brushing his teeth, for longer than the day before, as he had less time yesterday. The bathroom is still empty. He knows his and Thomas' neighbours on the other side sleep in, so he's not worried about their lack of punctuality. Newt guesses it must be at least 6:20. Thomas should be here now, whenever they wake up at the same time, they come and stand with each other as they get ready. Newt feels uneasy, everything is silent still, but uncomfortably so. Not the way he likes it.

He walks towards the door of his room, and pushes it open. He blinks quickly. All the lights are on. Thomas' bedding is in a messy heap at the end of his bed. He searches the room for Thomas, but he's not anywhere. He walks to Thomas' desk. One of his items are gone, his notebook. Others lie randomly across his desk. Definitely not how Thomas left it last night. Anxiety is starting to creep up on Newt and his pulse quickens. Thomas is gone.


He lies in bed, one leg lying out of his covers, the rest of his body lying splayed out. He woke up after hearing Newt get up, and he can't get back to sleep, it's too damn hot in their room. He hears the shower switch on through the wall. 'Great, no sleep for Tommy.' Thomas whispers into the dark, bitterly.

He lies there for a while focusing on the shapes in the darkness. He zones out, into a daze for 10 minutes or so.

The door creaks open, but it's not the door he's expecting. It's the door to his room. Light from the hallway pours across the floor, into his eyes.

Ms Paige is standing in the doorway, looking stressed and from what Thomas can see, a little scared.

"Thomas. I hate to spring this on you, especially at this hour. But WCKD need you to come, right now." She's whispering, Thomas has to lean in to make out what she's saying.

"There was a massive breakout, in a city. Nothing we've ever seen before." She sighs. "I'm sorry Thomas. There is a berg waiting outside, no more than 5 minutes. Don't bother taking anything, we'll sort it out for you later. Come to the front doors, some WCKD guards will meet you out there." She pauses as his eyes dart towards the door. "Don't worry about Newt, we'll deal with him." Thomas nods.

Ms Paige exits and closes the door silently behind her.

Thomas springs out of bed, his head a mess. He's tired, and now he feels sick. With fear, anxiety, sadness for leaving Newt when they'd argued. A mix of everything. Maybe, the smallest amount of excitement.

He grabs a hoodie, pulls on jeans and stares at his notebook lying on his desk, for a second. He considers leaving it, but he has everything about WCKD he's collected in the past 3 months. He can't leave it. He snatches it and stuffs it into his hoodie pocket, luckily it's small enough that it will go unnoticed. He sighs. 'I'm sorry Newt' He scribbles on a piece of paper on Newt's desk and sprints out of the door, towards the front of the school.


He turns quickly, looking around the room for any sign that Thomas left him. He notices something, on his desk.

He runs over, his hands shaking slightly.

It's a piece of lined paper, that he had left on his desk the night before. Written across it in Thomas' messy scrawl, it reads; 'I'm sorry Newt'

Newt gets chills down his spine. Every word he said to Thomas yesterday, floods back to him and it crushes his mind. He really argued with his best friend, and in the morning he's gone. Only him would get this kind of bloody bullshit.

He pulls on the rest of his uniform, the silence that fills his room makes him feel sick. He prays Thomas is okay, and he hopes it was just WCKD. Just WCKD. Newt laughs. It will never be just WCKD.

Despite it being 6:35 in the morning, Newt walks out into the hallway and walks down the separated corridor to Ms Paige's office. He needs answers, right now.

He reaches her door, and breathes in deeply, and knocks a few times.

She pulls open the door, looking worn and tired.

"Ah. I guess I expected this." She says, with a weak smile.

"Where is he." Newt says, clenching his fist.

"He's safe. There was the biggest outbreak we've seen, barely an hour ago. We needed him."

Newt is mostly focused on the part of the sentence where she said he was safe, that relaxes him partially, but he wants to know more.

"Why do you need him? So you can run tests on him, and steal his blood and steal his chance at a somewhat normal life, as a happy, carefree teenager? Yeah, no-one at this school is destined for a normal life, but this was as close as he could get and you stole it from him."

Ms Paige stares at him, her eyes wide, and almost tearful.

"Newt. He agreed to this, he was prepared. He did what was right."

"Did he? Did he really? You told him nothing. You filled his brain with bullshit!"Newt shouts, his blood boiling inside his veins.

"Newt-" Ms Paige rests a hand on his shoulder. He pulls away.

"He's going to be bloody alone, and scared for his life. He is unprepared as he could be."

Ms Paige stops, and looks down at her feet. "WCKD is good."

"Yeah, yeah. WCKD is good. Whatever." Newt says, his voice softening, letting his walls come down. He turns on his heel, tears welling up in his eyes and walks away, back to his room, where he remains, in silence for the rest of the day.

oh my god now im sad i feel baaaaad anyway i love newt and thomas immensely, almost as much as they love each other. i just wrote this like 2 minutes after finishing part 5, i'm on a roll wow. ok love you. sorry this is a mess x

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