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He focuses his ears on the beeps and the busy noises of the medical wing. Frypan had just left and he felt lonely, but he was happy about it. He always thought about Thomas during times like these. He misses Thomas too, he was glad Thomas cared enough to send through a message to him, but still didn't understand why Thomas was avoiding him like he was diseased. He sighed, wondering if Thomas knew where he was and why. His  curiosity was fed when he lifted his head to the sound of his name being called.
"Newt." It was him. It was Thomas.
Newt felt his mouth open, and fail to spit out words, and just hang open in an 'o' shape, like a bloody fish. He immediately felt stupid, but also unsure how he felt to see Thomas. His first reaction was relief which slowly transitioned into a state of anger. He was angry that Thomas had pushed him away for so bloody long. Newt felt like he had lost his most valuable relationship forever. He had the right to be angry.
"Leave." Newt hisses through gritted teeth.
"We both know I'm not going to do that." Thomas says, sitting in the plastic chair by Newt's bed.
"Why'd you go and leave me, huh? I wasn't me without you, Thomas."
Newt watches Thomas' face fall. "I think it's time that I explain, what I can, anyway. I'm really sorry."
Newt nods, silently.
"Teresa, I'm guessing you know we got pretty close."
He nods again.
"She has a close connection with WCKD and is working on some of the plans for the maze trials. But before you detest her, she's been here at WCKD most of her life, she barely had a choice. Anyway, she showed me the finalized order for being sent in, and after finding out you were second, I could hardly focus on anything, and I didn't want to freak you out, It was best, I promise."
Newt briefly thinks over what Thomas explained and decides he is tired of being apart from him, and speaks.
"I understand, I'm not a good person, so I assumed the worst. Thank you Tommy, for always putting yourself last. You're bloody incredible."
Thomas shuffles his chair closer to Newt's bed and places his hand over Newt's gently, but Newt understands instantly that this is their own way of forgiveness, and he accepts fully.
"You're not a bad person Newt, you had every right to think the worst of me. I realised how much I care about you after all the time I was gone, and even though we don't have long left together like this, I dont want to hide away anymore. You're stuck with me now man. Not goin' anywhere."
Newt laughs. "Bloody hell. How do I follow that? Thanks, Tommy."
"What's wrong with you anyway?" Thomas asks with a smirk.
"Went and bruised up arm a shit ton and cut my head, didn't I." He replies showcasing his injuries to Thomas.
Thomas sighs. "Nice one. Hardly deserving of a bed though."
Newt laughs. "Watch it mate."
He feels the light jump back into his eyes.
"I best get back. I'll see you soon."
"Yeah Tommy, sure."
Thomas notices his hand still rests on his, and he lifts it slowly before waving and turning to leave the medical wing, the door sliding closed behind him.

The next day Newt wakes before 8 to a doctor telling him as long as he's not planning to get into anymore fist fights he's discharged from the hospital. He makes his way quickly down to breakfast, hoping to see Thomas again.
He pushes open the door and looks around and spots Fry and co. sitting at a table on the far right.
"OIIII LOOK WHO IT IS!" He hears Jeff yell from across the room.
Newt grins and walks over.
"Someones looking happy today." Frypan says, winking.
"Yeah. Thomas came to see me."
"I'm glad y'all sorted it out." Fry adds with a smile.
"Me too. It was weird without him ya know?"
"You don't really know people's impact on you until their gone, huh." Winston says, looking solemn.
"Woah Winston, went a bit deep there." Jeff replies with a laugh. "Newt, are you sitting with us?"
"I'm going to look for Thomas, but thanks. Has anyone seen him?"
"Nah, saw Teresa though, she might know." Frypan replies.
"Alright. See you later." Newt replies, gratefully, walking away and pushing open the double doors and heading out into the corridor.
He walks towards Thomas' room and peers through the glass gap in the door. Seems empty.
He walks towards the conference room, in hope that Thomas or Teresa are somewhere nearby. He doesn't see Thomas but spots Teresa walking hastily in the opposite direction to where he's headed.
"Teresa!" He exclaims, picking up his walking speed. 'Bloody hell, she walks fast.' He mutters underneath his breath.
Her hair spins with her as she turns and halts.
"Newt, hi. What's up?"
"Have you seen Thomas? Was kinds hoping to see him this morning."
She nods. "Yeah, I have, but he's in controls most of today, we've got a lot to do before sending the first boy up."
Newt is taken aback, and then frowns. "We? What has Thomas got to do with setting up the trials. He's just helping you out right?"
Teresa's head jerks a little, like she didn't quite pick up what he said.
"He obviously told you less than he let on." She mutters, awkwardly scratching her scalp.
"What? Oh uh... yeah." She glances behind her, and tucks her hair behind her ear quickly.
"Newt, I'm not sure I should—"
"Teresa." Newt says, more firmly this time, growing impatient.
"Thomas. He uh... he created the maze. Him and I, we're the creators."
Newt's head reels and he feels dizzy. Thomas is sending him to hell? His best friend is taking away his last shot at a happy life.
"I'm sorry, we- we didn't really have a choice."
Newt shakes his head.
His heart feels heavy in his chest and the darkness wells up into his eyes and fills his body again, weighing him down. He was betrayed.

whoops. i feel bad about this, but i swear to u im gonna fix it. more fluff on its way next chapter. prolly gonna be sad, as usual, but (i hope) worth it???? let me know if u liked this!! thanks ily

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