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Thomas sat, with his back pressed uncomfortably against the textured wood of the log, the same one he and Newt had sat at only a week ago. Thomas came here often, and more times than not, he came alone. For the first few days, he trailed Newt around like a lost puppy, but as he sat awkwardly outside the homestead when Newt was in meetings with Alby, he began to feel stupid. He had decided to deliberately drift from Newt, but only physically, and only during the day, because emotionally, they were closer than ever. 

At night, they would pull their sleeping bags out into the middle of the grass and lie next to each other, talking until they fell asleep. Thomas had been careful not to mention the maze, after how upset it had made Newt last time, but he was growing desperate. 

When Newt was asleep, Thomas would walk quietly towards the walls and press his ear against the stone. If he focused hard enough, he could hear the distant mechanical whirring and clicking of the monsters that lived within the walls. His curiosity was intrusive and occupied so many of his thoughts, that in the past few days he had made the decision to ask Newt about it. After all, he had left it alone for 6 days, he should be proud of his self-control. 

"You need to stop sneaking away like that, Tommy" Newt said, pushing a branch out of his face, smiling. "I don't like waking up without you there"

These words made Thomas soften. "I couldn't sleep" he said, lifting his head up to look at Newt who was standing beside him, shielding his face from the rays of sunlight that had begun to creep over the walls. 

"For any reason?" Newt asked, sitting down beside him, so their legs and shoulders were touching. 

"Yeah.." Thomas said hesitantly, drawing shapes in the soil with his finger, not meeting Newt's eye, which he could feel was watching him.

"Well go on then" Newt said. 
"I want to go in the maze" Thomas said, taking a deep breath and turning his head to glance at the frown that had begun to settle into Newt's face. 

"Bloody hell, I admire your restraint" Newt said, relaxing his face  and laughing. "6 whole days, and not a thing" 

"You're not mad?" he asked, reeling in surprise at Newt's response. 

"Me and Minho have been making plans all week, and Alby's said I can bring you. It took some begging though, Tommy, and let me tell you" Newt responded, with a pause, "I don't beg" 

Thomas smiled.

"But don't get your hopes up, we're just going for an hour or two. It's been a while since we've been in there, so we'll look around and head back way before dusk"

Thomas nodded. "When?"

"Today. As soon as we're ready. I came here to find you so I could tell you" Newt said, putting a hand on the ground to steady himself as he began to get up, moving away from Thomas and towards where Frypan was serving breakfast.  

"Wait, come here" Thomas said, jumping to his feet and grabbing Newt by his arm to stop him going any further. He kissed him. He felt Newt smile. 

"You coming to breakfast?"  Newt said, his hand trailing down Thomas' forearm as he stepped away, looking directly into his eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah I am" Thomas said, springing forward, feeling a lightness over his shoulders, as the weight of his gnawing curiosity was removed, and replaced by excitement. He was going into the maze, today.

He ate breakfast quickly, listening to Newt and Minho as they discussed the plans. 

"So I gather your boyfriend told you the news?" Minho asked with a smirk, before shovelling a forkful of food into his mouth. 

Thomas avoided Newt's eyes as he replied; "he did" 

"You better be fast on your feet, I'm not going to be the one to scrape your guts off of the floor if you get crushed between the walls" Minho said, making Newt wince. 

"Morbid" Thomas replied, suddenly not wanting to eat the tiny amount of food left in-front of him, "but you don't have to worry. I'm fast"

"Oh no, I won't be worrying, but someone else will" Minho said with a chuckle, waving his fork and gesturing at Newt, who was sitting beside him, nervously biting the skin around his nails. 

"Newt, it'll be fine" Thomas said, gently grabbing his wrist and moving it away from his mouth, keeping it hostage under his own hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. 

Before Minho could elevate Newt's stress levels to their peak, Alby approached their table and slid into the space on the bench beside Thomas. "Morning, Greenie" he said, with a smile that was genuine, "excited?"

"Very" he replied. 

"Glad to hear it. Took me some convincing, but Newt can be very influential when he wants to be" he responded, raising his eyebrows at Newt, who lowered his head to face the table and smiled gently. 

"I'm staying back, just in case. We need one of the people in command to be in tact by the end of the day" Alby said, resting his elbows on the table, and clamping his hands together. He rested his chin on top of his knuckles. "But just look around. Anything seems remotely unsafe, you shanks better turn around and run straight back" 

The three other boys nodded. 

"Good luck, then" Alby said, as they got up to clear away their plates and grabbed the water cannisters Frypan had filled for them. They thanked him, and walked towards the hut in the forest Alby had allowed them to use, where three harnesses with a tiny backpack attached to the backs of them lay. They all slipped them over their shoulders and slipped their water inside. 

"Are we ready?" Minho said, approaching the hut door and pushing it slightly open. 

"Yeah" Newt said, "but can you give us a minute?" 

Minho nodded, leaving them. Thomas could tell he was holding back a smirk. 

Newt turned from the door and placed a hand on each side of Thomas' head, so their faces were very close to each other. 

"Don't do anything bloody stupid, Tommy" Newt said, staring very intensely into Thomas' eyes. Thomas placed his hands on top of Newt's and letting them rest there for a moment before moving them down, so they were facing each other, Thomas with Newt's hands in his. 

"I won't, I promise" he said, grinning. 

hi i was NOT feeling this chapter while writing so it took me an AGE, sorry abt that. i hope u like it tho!! 

would also like to ask if u guys think it's crazy that this fic has gone on for so long bc i really have no idea how to end it, so there is a lot more to go. if ur down for this to have like at *least* 10 more chapters, let me know, and if you'd hate that, let me know also. thank you!!! see u soon <3

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