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It's been almost a month since Thomas ran from the meeting where people he barely knew or cared about discussed the plan for his future, which he apparently had no control over. Initially, he would have done anything in his power to stop his friends from being sent into the maze, but after careful consideration (also known as Teresa's pleading, and very effective convincing) he decided that he wanted the world to change for good, he wanted to free as many people as he could from the virus. He knew that his friends would want the same if they were in his position, that thought kept him grounded.
He hadn't spoken to Newt. He distanced himself, because shortly after receiving the news that Newt was to be second into the maze, he realised how deeply rooted his feelings for Newt were, and frankly, it scared him how much he admired and loved his friend. In what way he loved him, he wasn't so sure. He was afraid of how much it would pain him to have to watch Newt suffer and forget him, that he built up walls that only Teresa was able to break through. They had become closer than ever, and Thomas was grateful for her.
Today was one week until the first boy was being sent up. He and Teresa had a lot to do, to finalise the maze and the programming of it. He sits in his swivelling desk chair, similar to his at school. The one beside him is empty, he's waiting for Teresa to come. He types out commands, waiting for the reaction of the maze walls. Thomas glares at the large screens in front of him. The maze walls pull apart and close again, groaning loudly. Thomas, satisfied that they function how they are supposed to, stands and checks the clock on the wall.
'6:30. Good timing Thomas' He whispers under his breath although he is alone, apart from Minho, the tall and muscular asian boy that sits silently staring at the wall. Minho is always up early, a morning person.
Thomas turns his head to glance at him, they lock eye contact for a second. Thomas feels uncomfortable, momentarily, before Minho flashes a grin.
"You look terrified." Minho says with a smirk. Thomas feels his heart jump a little.
"Not going to lie, You're kinda intimidating." Thomas says with an awkward laugh.
"Nah, It's a facade. I'm actually a softie." Thomas smiles.
"By the way, I know you don't feel like it, and I wont when i'm in that maze, but you're doing the right thing Thomas."
Thomas nods. "I hope so. I'm sorry they're-" He waits "We're sending you in there, if I could stop it I would."
"Don't worry, I'm okay. Just don't laugh at me when I fall on my butt when I get there." Minho laughs.
Thomas laughs with him. "Thank's Minho, I appreciate it."
Minho nods.
Thomas deliberately goes to the control room early every morning, he doesn't want any chances of a confrontation with Newt. He feels like such a dick, and he is, but it's better, for the both of them.
Thomas walks into breakfast, it's mostly empty, just Frypan talking to one of the kitchen staff and a few people in lab coats. Thomas is wary that this is the first time he's seen Frypan in the past month.
Thomas wanders over and grabs some cereal and some water, before sitting down quietly at a table in the corner of the room. Frypan spots him and walks over.
"Hi" Frypan says, sitting casually beside him. "It's been a while."
"That's my fault." Thomas says, shrugging.
"You think we don't notice you've cut us out completely? Newt is the unhappiest he's been in years. Why, Thomas?"
Thomas breathes in deeply through his mouth.
"I'm guessing you had the presentation about the maze trials, yes?"
Frypan nods. "It's put everyone on edge. We've not been told who's going in, or when, so we're just waiting. It's scary." Frypan hesitates. "Why? Do you know more?"
"You could say that.." Thomas sighs. "Fry, I wouldn't be cutting you out if it wasn't best for all of us. There's so much information that's lying on my shoulders that I truly wish I could tell you, but it's honestly best for everyone involved if I say nothing."
"I knew you wouldn't do this without reasons, I trust you Thomas, I do. We just miss you."
"I miss you guys."
They sit quietly for a second.
"Can you tell Newt, I'm sorry and that everything I'm doing is worth it. Tell him I miss him, but it's still too hard for me to talk."
"Of course. See you soon, yeah?"
"Yeah." Thomas replies weakly. He doesn't think he'll see Fry in the way either of them want. Thomas on the other side of a screen and Frypan trapped behind the screen. Thomas shudders as Fry walks away.
'Tom? You there' It's Teresa calling out.
'Yeah, I've been up since 5 am in the control room.' Thomas replies making sure his message is clear. They've been practicing while working on the maze together.
'You need sleep.' Teresa says. Thomas can feel the concern in her voice.
'I know, but it's just not happening.'
'See you at the controls in 20 minutes?' He asks when he gets no reply.
'I can do 10' She replies
'Sounds good'
He feels her disconnect and he quickly eats and cleans away his stuff, ready to get on with the day.

He sits down beside Teresa, smiling at her. She smiles back, but she looks worn out and tired.
"You look awful." Thomas says, grinning.
"Wow thanks, much appreciated." Teresa replies, pulling her hair back from her eyes. "I went to my room late, I was working on a plan with Ms Paige."
"What sort of plan?"
"Well-" Thomas senses Teresa is worried and regretting mentioning it to him.
"They've decided to move the first boy's prep to tomorrow, and they're sending him into the maze on Wednesday instead of Sunday."
Thomas feels his heart sink. He doesn't feel ready.
"His name's Alby."
Thomas nods. "Thank you for letting me know."
Teresa nods and looks down at her notebook for a moment before snapping up her head.
"Also, it's Newt, he's in the medical wing, he was told today he was second. He lashed out at a guard and got hurt. I think it's best if you don't go to him, but knowing you, you will anyway."
Thomas pushes his chair back quickly and gets himself out of the control room and runs towards an open elevator. He jumps inside and presses level 3 on the keypad.
The doors close and he waits in anxious silence, digging his nails into his palms.

The doors open and Thomas steps into the wing, the smell of cleanliness and cleaning products hit him immediately. A worker at the medical wing spots him and approaches.
"Thomas. You can't be here."
"It's Newt. I have to see Newt."

hi the ending is rlly cringey and i kinda added all of this but i wanted a way for them to see each other, so here u go. all will b resolved before u know it!!! <33

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