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Newt looked at her in silence , his mouth hanging slightly open. Thoughts sped through his mind, at a pace so fast he could barely stop them. He tried to latch on to any one of them, in order to respond, to say something. But he was speechless. 

"I can't believe it " she said. "Mary told me you were coming, but I didn't believe her. Not until I saw you" 

"Bloody hell" Newt said, at last. 

Sonya looked at him, and laughed. Her eyes were big, and brown and begged so much of him. He hoped he'd be able to be the brother she deserved. 

"Can I ask something?" Newt said, directing his speech toward Mary. She nodded. 

"How can you be sure?" he asked, a slight shake in his voice. "That we're siblings, I mean"

Mary nodded, and Newt watched as she turned over her answer in her head.

"During my time at WCKD, I had access to all the files for the various Maze trials-"

"Sorry, did you say various?" Newt exclaimed. 

"Oh yes, sorry. I forget you don't know" Mary responded. "You were the second group we evacuated, Sonya's was the first. Her maze was group B, yours group A"

Mary paused and looked out across the water. "We know there are many others, and I am making it my mission to bring them here, to safety, like I did for you. I won't rest until all you kids are safe. These trials-" she sighed. "I should've seen through the haze. I should've seen what WCKD truly stood for for the second I got there. I wanted to do what was right so badly, I should've-"

"But you see it now" Sonya said, cutting her off, and placing a pale hand atop of Mary's arm, which was freckled and browned by the sun. "That's what matters" 

Newt knew then the love he would feel for his sister. He saw her intelligence, her awareness, her care for others, so clearly then that it was stifling. 

"You got us out" Newt said. "And because you did, I get a chance at life. We all do" he added, gesturing to the boys from his maze, and the girls from Sonya's. They were standing in separate and awkward clumps in the sand. He laughed quietly underneath his breath. He hoped this would teach some of them how to talk to girls, at the very least. 

He saw his brown haired boy standing on the edge of the group, keeping a watchful - and respectful - eye over him. 

Sonya nodded in agreement. "You have already done enough. You have turned your back on WCKD, even after it became everything you knew. To do that takes strength" 

As she said these words, Newt turned to glance at Teresa. Teresa had known nothing but WCKD, had seen it as a force for good. But she too, had left it behind, despite all things that tied her to it. He admired her then too. 

"Thank you" Mary said, a smile beginning to tug at the corners of her mouth. "You two are already showing me how alike you are. I'm glad to have brought you together"

At this, Sonya and Newt glanced at each other. In her, he saw himself. Yes, in the dirty blonde hair, the angles of her jaw, and the deep brown of her eyes. But also in her heart, in the way she cared for others, and in her strength. He knew they had far to go to truly see each other with the love and understanding that only existed between siblings. But he felt it already tugging at his heart, tying them together. He cautiously stepped forward, but she had no patience for his uncertainty, and hugged him tightly. She already felt bright and warm to him, like sunshine. 

Afterwards, he headed back to his group, leaving Sonya to hers. As he approached, the boys turned to face him, an expectant look in their eyes. Only Thomas had heard Sonya's introduction. 

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