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The glade was quiet this morning. The boys waited anxiously, some lying in hammocks, some restlessly pacing the grass and some sitting, cross-legged at the edge of the box, listening, watching.
"It's not gonna come any faster if you stare at it" Alby wisely stated, trying to pry them away. But they were desperate; desperate for Mary, and desperate to not be let down. They were promised salvation and freedom from these walls, and the fear that resided most in Thomas' heart was that it would never come. Teresa had promised him she would be here, but as the day stretched on, and the sun got higher in the sky, he was having a hard time believing that.
"Tommy, come eat" Newt said, coming and sitting down on the soft ground beside him, resting his head on his shoulder.
"I'm not hungry" Thomas responded, glancing quickly at the scene over by the kitchen.
"Last meal in the Glade. We need you there" Newt added, "and how can you escape on an empty stomach?"
Thomas leaned his head on top of Newt's and felt the softness of his hair on his cheek. "What if she isn't coming?" he asked.
Newt sat up, turning his body to face Thomas.
Thomas sighed and continued. "What if she isn't coming, and we have to keep going on like this? I can't do that to them" he said, gesturing to the boys.
"Do you really believe that?" Newt asked. "Do you really think after everything you and Teresa did, the co-ordinates, the black-out, everything, that she would just forget about us? Really?"
Thomas felt the tightness in his chest ease for a moment. "No, no. Maybe I don't believe that. I believe in Mary, and in Teresa, but I'm scared"
Newt laughed softly and shook his head. "Well you know what they say, Tommy"
"If you ain't scared, you ain't human" Thomas echoed, allowing himself to give in to the anxiety for a moment, justifying it.
"We're all bloody scared, Tommy. But we believe in you" Newt said, getting up off the ground and brushing the dust off his trousers, reaching out a hand to help him up.
"And before you say anything, I'm not just bolstering you because I love you. It's true"
Thomas felt a prick of tears at his eyes, and blinked them away. Now was not the time - but he was grateful for those words, he appreciated it more than Newt could ever know.
"Thank you" he said.
Newt nodded gently, indicating that it was okay. "How about that food then?"

After they had eaten, and were sitting, leaning on each other, full to the brim of Frypan's stew, they began to flock towards the box. They sat, surrounding it, a boy at every corner, staring into the darkness. Even Alby had given in, and was sitting next to Gally, smiling.
They felt warm and sleepy, closing their eyes and letting the sun dance over their skin.
Then Teresa jumped to her feet.
"Do you hear that?" she exclaimed.
The boys woke up from their daze one by one, silencing each other and getting closer to the edge of the box, watching intently.
"It's coming up!" Frypan yelled, a grin plastered across his face.
The box screeched and ground to a halt in front of them. One piece of paper rested at the bottom of the cage. Alby jumped down, taking it in his hand.
'See you soon.' was all it said. Thomas' heart leapt in his chest. The boys looked at each other, looking up to the sky, running towards the Maze doors, frantic and excited. Mary was coming.
"I don't want to say I told you so...." Newt said, approaching Thomas slowly.
"But you told me so" Thomas replied, exhaling deeply through his mouth, the breath making an audible woosh on it's way out.
"Yet again, I was right and wisdomous" he said. "Is that even a word?"
Thomas threw back his head and laughed. "So much for your wisdom"
Newt looked as if he was close to retaliation but gave up and joined in, holding his stomach as he laughed.
Thomas looked up to the sky and at the blue of the cloudless day. Amidst it, there was a dark spec, and it was getting closer.
"Teresa..." he said, pointing to it.
She gaped. "Knew she wouldn't let us down"

A few minutes later, the sound of the choppers was all they could hear. The helicopter began to make it's way towards the Maze, hovering above the large, concrete walls.
A petite woman with cropped brown hair hung out from the side, the wind whipping at her face.
The boys covered their eyes with cupped hands, glaring up as the helicopter lowered.

"Thomas!" Mary yelled.
"Mary!" he replied.
"We can't get down on the ground, you'll have to come to us. We'll drop a ladder!"
Thomas nodded and gestures for all the boys to gather. Alby and Newt flanked him on either side.
"It's time to go" Thomas said, "stick togeth-"
Just as the words left his mouth, he heard a sound that made his stomach drop to the floor.
Click. Scrape. Tap.

"Shit" Minho said, locking eyes with Thomas. "Grievers"
Thomas looked up at the helicopter, which was grazing the tops of the maze wall, it's ladder dropping down slowly. Two grievers were running underneath, their slimy heads making contact with the final rung. Teresa gulped.
Gally passed out some wooden spears to the boys nearest to him, and they turned to the Maze doors, as the grievers made contact with the grass and ran straight towards them.
"Get to Mary" Alby shouted over the noise. "and stay alive"
Newt squeezed his hand, and looked at him , his eyes slightly glassy and afraid - but determined.
"I'll follow you anywhere, remember" he whispered.
"I know." Thomas said, nodding, a lump forming in his throat.
They were going to make this.
It was only a few grievers, right?

hey guys <3
so very sorry it's been so long, and this chapter feels kind of short, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
next one coming soon - hang tight :)

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