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"We're arriving." A guard announces and Newt breathes deeply, before yawning. He's exhausted, and is beyond caring where he sleeps, but he knows he has to soon.
Although, Only after he's seen Thomas.
The berg lowers and Newt's stomach drops a little with it. He watches out the window as the ground gets closer and closer and they land in a large tarmac circle, which then proceeds to lower underground. The technology here is already something he has never dreamt of seeing, in his lifetime, let alone in his childhood. He hears a large metal clunk and the sky is cut off from him, and it is dark.
The hatch lowers and Janson turns to them. "Please, don't embarrass yourself, or be afraid. Behave, you aren't here for us to hurt you."
He saunters down the hatch, steps off and walks through the double doors as he reaches the bottom. They all follow, cautiously, hesitant with each step. Newt is in the middle of the group of boys, and he follows as Zart pushes the door open, and they step into a dark, pit of a corridor. Janson walks ahead, with a fast pace, some of the boys have to run to catch up with him, nervous of being separated from their leader.

The lights on the walls are dim, but bright enough that Newt can see this his near surroundings, and he notices doors along all the edges of the walls, some signs flashing above them indicating that it is an emergency exit. Newt see's the green reflected on his friends faces, alien to him.
Maybe they walk for 5 minutes. 15? Newt can't tell but, he does know when they have reached their destination, before Janson has spoken. The doors are large and white, almost blindingly so, in contrast to the darkness of the hallway in which they are standing in. Newt can see through the small windows in the doors. He see's crisp white uniforms, and lab coats, he can make out bleeping from machines and shouts and footsteps. He is so intrigued.
Janson pushes open the doors, and the group file through, packed tightly together, surveying the people and scenery around them. Newt looks at his clothing. Dark, and old and worn. He feels dirty beside the pristine workers of WCKD, and so unbelievably out of place.
"Welcome to WCKD" A woman says to them, while passing, with a smile. Newt doesn't have the energy to even attempt a smile back, so he just stands there, sheepishly.
"Well, I'll go ahead and show to your rooms immediately. We've no time for a tour and a chat." Janson says, continuing his fast walking down the hallway.

He presses his thumb onto a keypad and a small image of his face appears on the screen, identifying him and granting him access to the level. The floor name on the wall reads ; Subjects of WCKD.
Newt scowls. He isn't their property. Not yet anyway,
They stop in front of a series of doors, navy blue with numbers printed onto them.
"Right. Room 6, Frypan, Chuck. Room 7, Zart, Newt and Winston. Room 8, Jeff and Gally."

Great. No Thomas.
"I should tell you, theres no point in complaining about your roommates, you can't change them."
There are a few sighs, but for the most part, his group seem okay.
"I'll show you to the cafeteria, and then I'll leave you to go to your rooms, and sleep. Whatever is needed."
Newt feels his heart sink, it doesn't seem like he'll see Thomas tonight.
They follow him down the hall, to yet another set of double doors. They are pushed open, and Newt glances around the tables near him, which are empty. He can hear talking, but he doubts any of them would be Thomas, so he shuts off the part of him that longed to see Thomas again, and focused on what he needed, second most; sleep.

"Newt?" Someone says from behind him, and his heart jumps in his chest.
"Thomas?" Newt turns swiftly on his heel, and for the first time in 2 weeks, he relaxes.
Thomas walks up to him, quickly, his hair neat and groomed, in fresh clothes, colour in his cheeks and most importantly, a huge grin on his face.
"Bloody hell Tommy, I was worried you'd have rolled over and died." Newt says with a smirk.
Thomas shakes his head, laughing along with him.
Newt thinks for a second, before he acts. He is suddenly overwhelmed by how quickly he calms simply by Thomas' presence. Should he?
'Screw it.' He whispers under his breath.
He steps to Thomas and wraps his arms around his shoulders. Thomas tenses. Newt almost feels obliged to awkwardly pull away, but then Thomas moves and squeezes Newt's shoulders in return.
"It's good to see you, Newt."

hi chapters 7&8 were originally one and i split them (unevenly sorry) into two, i hope u enjoyed!!! love u xx

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